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AndroidAnnotations——Reinject NonConfiguration Instance重新注入NonConfiguration 实例

热度:12   发布时间:2023-12-12 00:00:27.0
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  1. NonConfiguration Instance
    1. NonConfigurationInstance

NonConfiguration Instance

Since AndroidAnnotations 2.5

When a configuration change occurs, your activities are usually destroyed and recreated. This behavior is great to reload resources, but you usually need to transfert references to extensive states (loaded bitmaps, network connections, actively running threads...) from the old to new activity instance.

That's what Activity.onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()) is for (see RetainingAnObject). Using this method requires casting from Object, and can be cumbersome when you have multiple objects.
那就是 Activity.onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() 的作用(查看 RetainingAnObject )。使用这个方法需要从 Object 类型强制转换,而且当你有多个对象时,这种方法比较累赘。


Annotate your activity fields with @NonConfigurationInstance to retain instances that are intensive to compute, on configuration changes.

public class MyActivity extends Activity {
        @NonConfigurationInstanceBitmap someBitmap;@NonConfigurationInstance@BeanMyBackgroundTask myBackgroundTask;}
Caution: while you can annotate any field, you should never annotate a field that is tied to the Activity, such as a Drawable, an Adapter, a View or any other object that's associated with a Context. If you do, it will leak all the views and resources of the original activity instance. Leaking resources means that your application maintains a hold on them and they cannot be garbage-collected, so lots of memory can be lost.
注意:当你注解这些字段时,千万不要加到那些绑定到 Activity 的字段上,比如 Drawable Adapter View 或者其他与 Context 有联系的对象。

This caution doesn't apply to beans annotated with @Bean, because AndroidAnnotations automatically takes care of rebinding their context.这个警告不适用于加了 @Bean注解的beans,因为AA会自动照看好并重新绑定它们的context。
