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AndroidAnnotations——Simple HTTPS 简单的HTTPS

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  1. Simple HTTPS
    1. HttpsClient
      1. Usage examples 用例
        1. Mutual SSL authentication two-way authentication 相互SSL身份验证双向身份验证
        2. A simple SSL authentication 简单的SSL认证
        3. Default
      2. Complete Example 完整的例子


Simple HTTPS

Since AndroidAnnotations 2.6


The @HttpsClient simplifies HTTPS requests by injecting a HttpClient instance with a configured KeyStore, TrustStore and Hostname Verification.
通过注入配置过 KeyStore TrustStore Hostname Verification HttpClient 实例, @HttpsClient 简化了HTTPS请求。

All parameters are optionals.

Usage examples 用例

Mutual SSL authentication (two-way authentication) 相互SSL身份验证(双向身份验证)

Here is the complete form if you want to achieve Client Auth:

@HttpsClient(trustStore=R.raw.cacerts, trustStorePwd="changeit",keyStore=R.raw.client,keyStorePwd="secret",allowAllHostnames=false)
HttpClient httpsClient;
  • trustStore: int, Resource id of your trust store file ex R.raw.cacerts.bks Typically your servers trusted certificates (public key, Root Chain Authority etc)
    trustStore:int类型,是你 trust store 文件中,比如 R.raw.cacerts.bks 的资源id。典型为你的服务器受信任的证书(公钥, Root Chain Authority 等等)
  • trustStorePwd: String, Your TrustStore password (default is changeit)
    trustStorePwd: String类型,你的 TrustStore 密码(默认为 changeit
  • keyStore: int, Resource id of your keystore Usually your private key (client certificate)
    keyStore: int类型,通常是你私钥的资源id(客户端证书)
  • keyStorePwd: Your KeyStore password (default is changeit)
    keyStorePwd: 你的 KeyStore密码(默认是 changeit
  • allowAllHostnames: boolean, if true, authorizes any TLS/SSL hostname (default true) If false, Hostname in certificate (DN) must match the URL
Note: Prior to ICS, Android accept [Key|Trust]store only in BKS format (Bouncycastle Key Store)
注意:在ICS之前,Android只接受BKS格式 (Bouncycastle Key Store) [Key|Trust]store

A simple SSL authentication 简单的SSL认证

This is useful if your remote server use a selfsigned certificate or a certificate issued by a private certificate authority
@HttpsClient(trustStore=R.raw.mycacerts, trustStorePwd="changeit")
HttpClient httpsClient;


If you do not specify a truststore file, the annotation will use the default android truststore located at /system/etc/security/cacerts.bks which allows you to connect to a server signed with one of the trusted root CAs (Thawte, verisign etc.)
假如你没有指定truststore文件,注解会使用默认的android truststore,它的路径为,允许你连接一个与受信任的根证书 (Thawte, verisign等) 签订过的服务器

ClientHttpClient httpsClient;

Complete Example 完整的例子

public class MyActivity extends Activity {
        @HttpsClient(trustStore=R.raw.cacerts,trustStorePwd="changeit", hostnameVerif=true)HttpClient httpsClient;@AfterInject@Backgroundpublic void securedRequest() {
        try {
        HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet("https://www.verisign.com/");HttpResponse response = httpsClient.execute(httpget);doSomethingWithResponse(response);} catch (Exception e) {
        e.printStackTrace();}}@UiThreadpublic void doSomethingWithResponse(HttpResponse resp) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "HTTP status " + resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();}