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AndroidAnnotations 3.0.1 更新说明

热度:77   发布时间:2023-12-11 23:57:18.0


12/01/2014 The 3.0.1 release is out !

Download AndroidAnnotations 3.0.1

Upcoming release: 3.1 #

See opened issues to have a preview of the future release.

Latest stable release : 3.0.1 #

Released on January 12, 2014

Minor changes

  • #838 Handle generic wildcards on method parameters
  • #848 Remove generated Api classes to resolve “Multiple dex files” error in Eclipse
  • #853 Clean error messages in IDE
  • #862 Handle named generics on methods
  • #869 #871 #874 Update wiki and javadocs

Bug fixes

  • #837 Bug: Some exceptions were logged in the log file but not shown in IDE
  • #840 Bug: Fix default value for boolean AP option
  • #856 Bug: NPE when @SetsCookie is used but cookie was not set by the server
  • #867 Bug: Generics classes wasn't handled properly
  • #870 Bug: ClassCastException when using the @Trace on onCreate()


  • Damien Villeneuve: @DayS
  • Drozdov Artyom: @Artyomcool