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tensorflow tutorial 系列:sequenceseq2seq / Neural Machine Translation (seq2seq) Tutorial

热度:68   发布时间:2023-12-09 01:53:00.0

官方 tutorial 链接:

Neural Machine Translation (seq2seq) Tutorial -> https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/master/tutorials/seq2seq
以下是官方 tutorial 的不完整翻译。(不过,说不定哪天就完整了,哈哈!:))

原文作者:Thang Luong, Eugene Brevdo, Rui Zhao (Google Research Blogpost, 代码在这里:Github)

tensorflow版本要求:tf-nightly 就行,或者稳定的tensorflow 版本,比如tf-1.4


@article{luong17,author  = {Minh{-}Thang Luong and Eugene Brevdo and Rui Zhao},title   = {Neural Machine Translation (seq2seq) Tutorial},journal = {https://github.com/tensorflow/nmt},year    = {


1 简介

2 基础

1 简介

1.Small-scale: English-Vietnamese parallel corpus of TED talks (133K sentence pairs) provided by the IWSLT Evaluation Campaign.
2.Large-scale: German-English parallel corpus (4.5M sentence pairs) provided by the WMT Evaluation Campaign.

2 基础
