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[C++] explicit 关键字

热度:46   发布时间:2023-12-08 14:12:48.0

C++ 只有explicit关键字,没有implicit关键字。编译器允许解析函数的参数时,对参数作隐式转换。也就是说,编译器能够使用带单个参数的构造函数,将函数参数转换为正确的类型。



class Foo
public:Foo (int foo) : m_foo (foo) { } //带单个参数的构造函数,可以用于隐式转换int GetFoo () { return m_foo; }
private:int m_foo;
void DoBar (Foo foo)
{int i = foo.GetFoo ();
int main ()
{DoBar (42);

DoBar的形参为Foo对象,现在却传了一个int给它,然而,Foo类存在一个带有 int 类型的构造函数,所以编译器就用这个构造函数将参数隐式转换为Foo对象类型。

如果在构造函数前面加explicit关键字,就能阻止编译器使用这个构造函数做隐式转换,而是必须明确地写出:DoBar (Foo (42))

由于无意中的隐式转换会隐藏bug, 这就是构造函数前面加explicit的原因。

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;class MyString {
public:// 如果要阻止编译器隐式调用,前面必须加 explicit 关键字MyString(size_t size) : m_size(size) {   m_str = string(size, 'x');}MyString(const char* p) : m_str(p) { }void printContent() const {cout << m_str << endl;}
private:int m_size;string m_str;
};void print(const MyString& mystr) { mystr.printContent();
}int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
{print(3);system("pause");return 0;

上面的例子,本意是要写成print("3"),但是不小心写成了print(3), 编译器自行隐式使用构造函数MyString(3), 将临时对象传递给print,输出“xxx”,但是如果在构造函数MyString(int size)前加“explicit", 写成print(3)编译时就会报错,显式写成print(Mystring(3))就不会。


class Sales_item {
public:// book 的默认参数是空的字符串// 定义了一种隐式转换Sales_item(const std::string &book = ""): isbn(book), units_sold(0), revenue(0.0) { } Sales_item(std::istream &is);  // 定义了一种隐式转换bool same_isbn(const Sales_item &rhs) const { return isbn == rhs.isbn; }// default constructor needed to initialize members of built-in typeSales_item(): units_sold(0), revenue(0.0) { }
private:std::string isbn;unsigned units_sold;double revenue;
};string null_book = "9-999-99999-9";
// ok: builds a Sales_item with 0 units_sold and revenue from
// and isbn equal to null_book



#undef free //this class redifines freetemplate <class TYPE>
class RefPtr
private:TYPE *m_pPtr;int *m_pCount;void free() throw(){if (--*m_pCount == 0){delete m_pCount;delete m_pPtr;}}void copy(const RefPtr<TYPE> & p) throw(){m_pPtr = p.m_pPtr;m_pCount = p.m_pCount;++*m_pCount;}
public:explicit RefPtr(TYPE *p = NULL) throw() : m_pPtr(p), m_pCount(new int(1)){}RefPtr(const RefPtr<TYPE> & obj) throw(){copy(obj);}~RefPtr() throw(){free();}RefPtr<TYPE> & operator=(const RefPtr<TYPE> & rhs) throw(){if (this != &rhs){free();copy(rhs);}return *this;}TYPE & operator*() const throw(){return *m_pPtr;}TYPE * operator->() const throw(){return m_pPtr;}virtual bool operator<( const RefPtr<TYPE>& rhs ) const{return m_pPtr<rhs.m_pPtr;}virtual bool operator>( const RefPtr<TYPE>& rhs ) const{return m_pPtr>rhs.m_pPtr;}virtual bool operator<=( const RefPtr<TYPE>& rhs ) const{return m_pPtr<=rhs.m_pPtr;}virtual bool operator>=( const RefPtr<TYPE>& rhs ) const{return m_pPtr>=rhs.m_pPtr;}virtual bool operator!=( const RefPtr<TYPE>& rhs ) const{return m_pPtr!=rhs.m_pPtr;}virtual bool operator==( const RefPtr<TYPE>& rhs ) const{return m_pPtr==rhs.m_pPtr;}bool isNull() const throw(){return m_pPtr == NULL;}TYPE*  GetRawPtr() const throw(){return m_pPtr;}

[1] C++ Primer 12.4.4
