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mathematical induction

热度:70   发布时间:2023-12-08 09:14:04.0
  • definition : suppose the statement to be proved can be put in the form

    where n0 is some fixed integer,that is , suppose we wish to show that P(n) is true for all the integers not less than n0 .
  • methos:

    1.suppose that P(n0) is true.
    2.if P(k) is true for some k not less than n0 ,P(k) is also true.
    3.so P(n) is true for all n ?n0

  • strong induction
    a slighty different form of mathematical induction is easier to use in some proofs , in the strong form of matematical induction,the induction step is to show that

    1. 是自然数;
    2. 每一个确定的自然数a,都有一个确定的后继数a’ ,a’ 也是自然数(一个数的后继数就是紧接在这个数后面的数,例如,1的后继数是2,2的后继数是3等等);
    3. 对于每个自然数b、c,b=c当且仅当b的后继数=c的后继数;
    4. 1不是任何自然数的后继数;
    5. 任意关于自然数的命题,如果证明了它对自然数1是对的,又假定它对自然数n为真时,可以证明它对n’ 也真,那么,命题对所有自然数都真。(这条公理保证了数学归纳法的正确性).

