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R计算功能多样性— functional diversity (FD)

热度:42   发布时间:2023-12-07 04:05:45.0

一般植物功能特征被划分为3类:一是植物形态特征, 包括生长型、生活型、植株高度等;二是植物生殖特征,包括传粉方式、扩散方式、种子重量等;三是植物生理特征, 如植物固氮能力等[30].——参考

为研究中包括的每个物种创建一个定性和/或定量性状的矩阵;使用R中的FD包来计算你选择的性状的种间Gower距离。Gower距离矩阵可用于绘制树状图,描述物种间的相似性/不相似性,然后你可以使用R中的FD或BAT或其他软件包,以类似于计算系统发育多样性(PD)的方式,总结连接每个物种库中的物种的分支长度。 参考:https://www.researchgate.net/post/Can_anyone_help_with_measuring_functional_diversity

FD computes different multidimensional FD indices. Tocompute FD indices, a species-by-trait(s) matrix is required (or at least aspecies-by-species distance matrix). gowdis computes the Gower dissimilarityfrom different trait types (continuous, ordinal, nominal, or binary), andtolerates NAs. It can treat ordinal variables as described by Podani (1999),and can handle asymetric binary variables and variable weights. gowdis iscalled bydbFD, the main function of FD.】

dbFD uses principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) toreturn PCoA axes, which are then used as ‘traits’to compute FD. dbFD computesseveral multidimensional FD indices, including the three indices of Villéger etal. (2008): functional richness (FRic), functional evenness (FEve), andfunctional divergence (FDiv). It also computesfunctional dispersion (FDis) (Laliberté and Legendre 2010), Rao’s quadraticentropy (Q) (Botta-Dukát 2005), a posteriori functional group richness (FGR),and the community-level weighted means of trait values (CWM), an index offunctional composition. Some of these indices can be weighted by speciesabundances. dbFD includes several options for flexibility.


Package FD:computes different multidimensional functional diversity (FD) indices

基本命令: dbFD(x, a, w, w.abun = TRUE, stand.x = TRUE,…)

x: 功能特征的矩阵或数据框架

a: 包括出现在x中的物种丰富度矩阵。The number of species (columns) in a must match the number of species (rows) in x. In addition, thespecies labels in a and x must be identical and in the same order. (x和a两个数据集的物种数目一致和顺序相同)

1. 数据准备:
建立两个数据dataframe, 保持两个数据集中的物种名称顺序保持一致:

FD包官方测试数据:蓝奏云: https://wwe.lanzoui.com/iG2lNqyrt5g (此数据集为FD包的官方数据,具体请查看https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/FD/index.html)



  1. 原始数据:列A代表物种名称,列B代表所在的群落

  2. 数据透视表插入,以物种作为行坐标

  3. 颠倒横纵坐标,让物种信息处于列

  4. FD包计算
    2.1 加载包
    library(“FD”) #加载FD包

2.2 加载数据
traits <- read.csv(“D:/xxx.csv”, row.names=1) #x,加载数据

species <- read.csv(“D:/xxx.csv”, header=T,row.names=1) #a,加载数据

2.3 数据检查
rownames(traits) #查看导入数据的行列名称,是否有不一致情况

colnames(traits) #查看导入数据的行列名称,是否有不一致情况

rownames(species) #查看导入数据的行列名称,是否有不一致情况

colnames(species) #查看导入数据的行列名称,是否有不一致情况

2.4 计算FD
results = dbFD(traits, species, corr=“lingoes”) #dbFD计算FD值

2.5 数据导出
write.csv(results,file = “D:/ xxx-FD-results.csv”) #数据导出,结果导出为csv格式数据

2.6 可能的报错信息

原因:species 和trait中物种数目不一致,需要将两个数据矩阵中物种数量和顺序一致!


原因:species 和trait中物种顺序不一致,需要将两个数据矩阵中物种数量和顺序一致!

#Error in dbFD(traits, species) : At least onespecies does not occur in any community (zero total abundance across allcommunities).

#Error in dbFD(traits, species) :
Species xspecies distance matrix was still is not Euclidean after ‘sqrt’ correction. Useanother correction method.
解决办法:a =dbFD(traits, species, corr=“lingoes”)

#Error in dbFD(traits, species) : At least onespecies does not occur in any community (zero total abundance across allcommunities).


#Error in dbFD(traits, species) : Species xspecies distance matrix was still is not Euclidean after ‘sqrt’ correction. Useanother correction method.
解决办法:a =dbFD(traits, species, corr=“lingoes”)

文章原文: https://www.jianshu.com/p/b91f076584fd
