当前位置: 代码迷 >> 综合 >> 【图像去噪】基于核回归算法实现图像去噪matlab代码


热度:5   发布时间:2023-12-03 22:39:03.0

1 简介


2 部分代码

% load image
img = double(imread('JFKreg.jpg'));
[N,M] = size(img(:,:,1));% convert the image into the YCrCb channels
[Y, Cr, Cb] = RGB2YCC(img);% the input image
y = zeros(N, M, 3);
y(:,:,1) = Y;
y(:,:,2) = Cr;
y(:,:,3) = Cb;% display images
zRGB = YCC2RGB(z(:,:,1,4), z(:,:,2,4), z(:,:,3,4));
figure; imagesc(uint8(img)); colormap(gray); axis image;
title('The original image');
figure; imagesc(uint8(zRGB)); colormap(gray); axis image;
title('The denoised image by iterative steering kernel regression, 3 iterations');
gray_reverse = gray;
gray_reverse = gray_reverse(64:-1:1, :);
figure; imagesc(abs(z(:,:,1,1) - z(:,:,1,4))); colormap(gray_reverse); axis image; colorbar;
title('The absolute residual image in the luminance channel');

3 仿真结果

4 参考文献

[1]万青. 基于非参数估计的核回归图像去噪. Diss. 中南民族大学.

