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Python语言程序设计Y.Daniel Liang练习题Chapter9.2

热度:78   发布时间:2023-12-01 21:25:51.0


出现 AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'items'ckp9.22
THe Pack Managerckp9.23
The place manager is not compatible with all computers. If you run this program on
Windows with a screen monitor with resolution, the layout size is just right.
When the program is run on Windows with a monitor with a higher resolution, the
components appear very small and clump together. When it is run on Windows with a
monitor with a lower resolution, they cannot be shown in their entirety. Because of these
incompatibility issues, you should generally avoid using the place manager.'''


The image file must be in GIF format. You can use a conversion utility to convert image
files in other formats into GIF format.ckp9.26
引号里的是file的属性值。需要注明 file = "image/us.gif",而不是直接给出地址。ckp9.27
caImage = PhotoImage(file = "c:\pybook\image\canada.gif")
frame = Frame(window)
Button(frame, image = caImage).pack()'''


canvas.bind("<Button-1>", p)ckp9.31
用 x and y两个参数ckp9.36
用 char 参数'''


ckp9.37def stop(self): # Stop animationself.isStopped = Trueckp9.38def resume(self): # Resume animationself.isStopped = Falseself.animate()'''


from tkinter import * # Import all definitions from tkinterclass GridManagerDemo:window = Tk() # Create a windowwindow.title("Grid Manager Demo") # Set titlemessage = Message(window, text = "This Message widget occupies three rows and two columns")message.grid(row = 1, column = 1, rowspan = 3, columnspan = 2)Label(window, text = "First Name:").grid(row = 1, column = 3)Entry(window).grid(row = 1, column = 4, padx = 5, pady = 5)Label(window, text = "Last Name:").grid(row = 2, column = 3)Entry(window).grid(row = 2, column = 4)Button(window, text = "Get Name").grid(row = 3,padx = 5, pady = 5, column = 4, sticky = E)window.mainloop() # Create an event loopGridManagerDemo() # Create GUI




from tkinter import * # Import all definitions from tkinterclass PackManagerDemo:def __init__(self):window = Tk() # Create a windowwindow.title("Pack Manager Demo 1") # Set titleLabel(window, text = "Blue", bg = "blue").pack()Label(window, text = "Red", bg = "red").pack(fill = BOTH, expand = 1)Label(window, text = "Green", bg = "green").pack(fill = BOTH)window.mainloop() # Create an event loopPackManagerDemo() # Create GUI




from tkinter import * # Import all definitions from tkinterclass LoanCalculator:def __init__(self):window = Tk() # Create a windowwindow.title("Loan Calculator") # Set titleLabel(window, text = "Annual Interest Rate").grid(row = 1,column = 1, sticky = W)Label(window, text = "Number of Years").grid(row = 2,column = 1, sticky = W)Label(window, text = "Loan Amount").grid(row = 3,column = 1, sticky = W)Label(window, text = "Monthly Payment").grid(row = 4,column = 1, sticky = W)Label(window, text = "Total Payment").grid(row = 5,column = 1, sticky = W)self.annualInterestRateVar = StringVar()Entry(window, textvariable = self.annualInterestRateVar,justify = RIGHT).grid(row = 1, column = 2)self.numberOfYearsVar = StringVar()Entry(window, textvariable = self.numberOfYearsVar,justify = RIGHT).grid(row = 2, column = 2)self.loanAmountVar = StringVar()Entry(window, textvariable = self.loanAmountVar,justify = RIGHT).grid(row = 3, column = 2)self.monthlyPaymentVar = StringVar()lblMonthlyPayment = Label(window, textvariable =self.monthlyPaymentVar).grid(row = 4, column = 2,sticky = E)self.totalPaymentVar = StringVar()lblTotalPayment = Label(window, textvariable =self.totalPaymentVar).grid(row = 5,column = 2, sticky = E)btComputerPayment = Button(window, text = "Compute Payment",command = self.computerPayment).grid(row = 6, column = 2, sticky = E)window.mainloop() # Create an event loopdef computerPayment(self):monthlyPayment = self.getMonthlyPayment(float(self.loanAmountVar.get()),float(self.annualInterestRateVar.get()) / 1200,int(self.numberOfYearsVar.get()))self.monthlyPaymentVar.set(format(monthlyPayment, "10.2f"))totalPayment = float(self.monthlyPaymentVar.get()) * 12 \* int(self.numberOfYearsVar.get())self.totalPaymentVar.set(format(totalPayment, "10.2f"))def getMonthlyPayment(self, loanAmount, monthlyInterestRate, numberOfYears):monthlyPayment = loanAmount * monthlyInterestRate / (1- 1 / (1 + monthlyInterestRate) ** (numberOfYears * 12))return monthlyPayment;LoanCalculator() # Create GUI




from tkinter import * # Import all definitions from tkinterclass ImageDemo:def __init__(self):window = Tk() # Create a windowwindow.title("Image Demo") # Set title# Create PhotoImage objectscaImage = PhotoImage(file = "C:/pic/ca.gif")chinaImage = PhotoImage(file = "C:/pic/china.gif")leftImage = PhotoImage(file = "C:/pic/left.gif")rightImage = PhotoImage(file = "C:/pic/right.gif")usImage = PhotoImage(file = "C:/pic/usIcon.gif")ukImage = PhotoImage(file = "C:/pic/ukIcon.gif")crossImage = PhotoImage(file = "C:/pic/x.gif")circleImage = PhotoImage(file = "C:/pic/o.gif")# frame1 to contain label and canvasframe1 = Frame(window)frame1.pack()Label(frame1, image = caImage).pack(side = LEFT)canvas = Canvas(frame1)canvas.create_image(90, 50, image = chinaImage)canvas["width"] = 200canvas["height"] = 100canvas.pack(side = LEFT)# frame2 contains buttons, check buttons, and radio buttonsframe2 = Frame(window)frame2.pack()Button(frame2, image = leftImage).pack(side = LEFT)Button(frame2, image = rightImage).pack(side = LEFT)Checkbutton(frame2, image = usImage).pack(side = LEFT)Checkbutton(frame2, image = ukImage).pack(side = LEFT)Radiobutton(frame2, image = crossImage).pack(side = LEFT)Radiobutton(frame2, image = circleImage).pack(side = LEFT)window.mainloop() # Create an event loopImageDemo() # Create GUI




from tkinter import *class MenuDemo:def __init__(self):window = Tk()window.title("Menu Demo")# Create a menu barmenubar = Menu(window)window.config(menu = menubar)# Display the menu bar# Create a pull-down menu, and add it to the menu baroperationMenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)menubar.add_cascade(label = "Operation", menu = operationMenu)operationMenu.add_command(label = "Add", command = self.add)operationMenu.add_command(label = "Subtract",command = self.subtract)operationMenu.add_separator()operationMenu.add_command(label = "Multiply",command = self.multiply)operationMenu.add_command(label = "Divide",command = self.divide)# Create more pull-down menusexitmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)menubar.add_cascade(label = "Exit", menu = exitmenu)exitmenu.add_command(label = "Quit", command = window.quit)# Add a tool bar frameframe0 = Frame(window) # Create and add a frame to windowframe0.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W)# Create imagesplusImage = PhotoImage(file="C:/pic/plus.gif")minusImage = PhotoImage(file="C:/pic/minus.gif")timesImage = PhotoImage(file="C:/pic/times.gif")divideImage = PhotoImage(file="C:/pic/divide.gif")Button(frame0, image = plusImage, command =self.add).grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = W)Button(frame0, image = minusImage,command = self.subtract).grid(row = 1, column = 2)Button(frame0, image = timesImage,command = self.multiply).grid(row = 1, column = 3)Button(frame0, image = divideImage,command = self.divide).grid(row = 1, column = 4)# Add labels and entries to frame1frame1 = Frame(window)frame1.grid(row = 2, column = 1, pady = 10)Label(frame1, text = "Number 1:").pack(side = LEFT)self.v1 = StringVar()Entry(frame1, width = 5, textvariable = self.v1,justify = RIGHT).pack(side = LEFT)Label(frame1, text = "Number 2:").pack(side = LEFT)self.v2 = StringVar()Entry(frame1, width = 5, textvariable = self.v2,justify = RIGHT).pack(side = LEFT)Label(frame1, text = "Result:").pack(side = LEFT)self.v3 = StringVar()Entry(frame1, width = 5, textvariable = self.v3,justify = RIGHT).pack(side = LEFT)# Add buttons to frame2frame2 = Frame(window) # Create and add a frame to windowframe2.grid(row = 3, column = 1, pady = 10, sticky = E)Button(frame2, text="Add", command=self.add).pack(side = LEFT)Button(frame2, text = "Subtract",command = self.subtract).pack(side = LEFT)Button(frame2, text = "Multiply",command = self.multiply).pack(side = LEFT)Button(frame2, text = "Divide",command = self.divide).pack(side = LEFT)mainloop()def add(self):self.v3.set(eval(self.v1.get()) + eval(self.v2.get()))def subtract(self):self.v3.set(eval(self.v1.get()) - eval(self.v2.get()))def multiply(self):self.v3.set(eval(self.v1.get()) * eval(self.v2.get()))def divide(self):self.v3.set(eval(self.v1.get()) / eval(self.v2.get()))MenuDemo() # Create GUI




from tkinter import * # Import all definitions from tkinterclass MouseKeyEventDemo:def __init__(self):window = Tk() # Create a windowwindow.title("Event Demo") # Set a titlecanvas = Canvas(window, bg = "white", width = 200, height = 100)canvas.pack()# Bind with <Button-1> eventcanvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.processMouseEvent)# Bind with <Key> eventcanvas.bind("<Key>", self.processKeyEvent)canvas.focus_set()window.mainloop() # Create an event loopdef processMouseEvent(self, event):print("clicked at", event.x, event.y)print("Position in the screen", event.x_root, event.y_root)print("Which button is clicked? ", event.num)def processKeyEvent(self, event):print("keysym? ", event.keysym)print("char? ", event.char)print("keycode? ", event.keycode)MouseKeyEventDemo() # Create GUI




from tkinter import * # Import all definitions from tkinterclass EnlargeShrinkCircle:def __init__(self):self.radius = 50window = Tk() # Create a windowwindow.title("Control Circle Demo") # Set a titleself.canvas = Canvas(window, bg = "white",width = 200, height = 200)self.canvas.pack()self.canvas.create_oval(100 - self.radius, 100 - self.radius,100 + self.radius, 100 + self.radius, tags = "oval")# Bind canvas with mouse eventsself.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.increaseCircle)self.canvas.bind("<Button-3>", self.decreaseCircle)window.mainloop() # Create an event loopdef increaseCircle(self, event):self.canvas.delete("oval")if self.radius < 100:self.radius += 2self.canvas.create_oval(100 - self.radius, 100 - self.radius,100 + self.radius, 100 + self.radius, tags = "oval")def decreaseCircle(self, event):self.canvas.delete("oval")if self.radius > 2:self.radius -= 2self.canvas.create_oval(100 - self.radius, 100 - self.radius,100 + self.radius, 100 + self.radius, tags = "oval")EnlargeShrinkCircle() # Create GUI



from tkinter import * # Import all definitions from tkinterclass AnimationDemo:def __init__(self):window = Tk() # Create a windowwindow.title("Animation Demo") # Set a titlewidth = 250 # Width of the canvascanvas = Canvas(window, bg="white",width = 250, height = 50)canvas.pack()x = 0 # Starting x positioncanvas.create_text(x, 30,text = "Message moving?", tags = "text")dx = 3while True:canvas.after(100) # Move text dx unitcanvas.move("text", dx, 0) # Sleep for 100 millisecondscanvas.update() # Update canvasif x < width:x += dx # Get the current position for stringelse:x = 0 # Reset string position to the beginningcanvas.delete("text")# Redraw text at the beginningcanvas.create_text(x, 30, text = "Message moving?",tags = "text")window.mainloop() # Create an event loopAnimationDemo() # Create GUI




from tkinter import * # Import all definitions from tkinterclass ControlAnimation:def __init__(self):window = Tk() # Create a windowwindow.title("Control Animation Demo") # Set a titleself.width = 250 # Width of self.canvasself.canvas = Canvas(window, bg = "white",width = self.width, height = 50)self.canvas.pack()frame = Frame(window)frame.pack()btStop = Button(frame, text = "Stop", command = self.stop)btStop.pack(side = LEFT)btResume = Button(frame, text = "Resume",command = self.resume)btResume.pack(side = LEFT)btFaster = Button(frame, text = "Faster",command = self.faster)btFaster.pack(side = LEFT)btSlower = Button(frame, text = "Slower",command = self.slower)btSlower.pack(side = LEFT)self.x = 0 # Starting x positionself.sleepTime = 100 # Set a sleep timeself.canvas.create_text(self.x, 30, text = "Message moving?", tags = "text")self.dx = 3self.isStopped = Falseself.animate()window.mainloop() # Create an event loopdef stop(self): # Stop animationself.isStopped = Truedef resume(self): # Resume animationself.isStopped = Falseself.animate()def faster(self): # Speed up the animationif self.sleepTime > 5:self.sleepTime -= 20def slower(self):# Slow down the animationself.sleepTime += 20def animate(self): # Move the messagewhile not self.isStopped:self.canvas.move("text", self.dx, 0) # Move textself.canvas.after(self.sleepTime) # Sleepself.canvas.update() # Update canvasif self.x < self.width:self.x += self.dx # Set new positionelse:self.x = 0 # Reset string position to beginningself.canvas.delete("text")# Redraw text at the beginningself.canvas.create_text(self.x, 30, text = "Message moving?", tags = "text")ControlAnimation() # Create GUI