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Leetcode 432. All O`one Data Structure (python)

热度:89   发布时间:2023-11-26 06:59:42.0

Leetcode 432. All O`one Data Structure

  • 题目
  • 解法1:暴力O(N)
  • follow up:O(1)解法




class AllOne:def __init__(self):"""Initialize your data structure here."""self.data = {
    }def inc(self, key: str) -> None:"""Inserts a new key <Key> with value 1. Or increments an existing key by 1."""if key in self.data:self.data[key] += 1else:self.data[key] = 1def dec(self, key: str) -> None:"""Decrements an existing key by 1. If Key's value is 1, remove it from the data structure."""if key in self.data:if self.data[key]>1:self.data[key] -= 1else:self.data.pop(key)def getMaxKey(self) -> str:"""Returns one of the keys with maximal value."""if not self.data:return ''max_value = 0max_key = Nonefor k,v in self.data.items():if v>max_value:max_value = vmax_key = kreturn max_keydef getMinKey(self) -> str:"""Returns one of the keys with Minimal value."""if not self.data:return ''min_value = float('inf')min_key = Nonefor k,v in self.data.items():if v<min_value:min_value = vmin_key = kreturn min_key

follow up:O(1)解法


  • 主结构是一个链表A,节点的值代表key出现的count,升序排列。每个节点映射向另外一个链表B的开头,B里的节点储存相应的key
  • hashmap1:key到node(key)的映射,保证我们以O(1)复杂度找到key所在的位置
  • hashmap2:key到count,保证以O(1)复杂度知道当前给的key的count
  • hashmap3:count节点到储存key的链表的头部
  • hashmap4:count到count的节点,保证查找某个count节点为O(1)
    假设现在需要inc('a‘),那么首先找到a对应的count,然后a对应的key node,查看count+1的节点是不是存在,如果存在则把a对应的key node移动到count+1对应的key 链表中去。不存在的话,新建count+1的node,并且同样需要移动key node。同时需要更新1,2,3,4 hashmap