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网易100天---46、Things You Need to Know About Snapchat

热度:75   发布时间:2023-11-25 01:33:22.0

Things You Need to Know About Snapchat

What is Snapchat, How Does it Work and What is It Used For?

What is Snapchat?
Snapchat is a mobile app for Android and iOS devices.Snapchat is colloquially referred to as Snap. It is headed by co-founder Evan Spiegel. This temporary, or ephemeral nature of the app was originally designed to encourage a more natural flow of interaction.

Things You Need to Know About Snapchat
Passage 1
What is Snapchat, How Does it Work and What is It Used For?
From Adsoup · 280 words · 3 mins
What is Snapchat?imageSnapchat is a mobile app for Android and iOS devices. It is headed by co-founder Evan Spiegel. One of the core concepts of the app is that any picture or video or message you send - by default - is made available to the receiver for only a short time before it becomes inaccessible. This temporary, or ephemeral nature of the app was originally designed to encourage a more natural flow of interaction. Snapchat's developer is a public company, called Snap. It claims to be a camera company. As such, it creates other products, including hardware, like Snapchat Spectacle, Also, Snapchat is colloquially referred to as Snap. What’s the point of Snapchat?Snapchat was initially focused on private, person-to-person photo sharing, but you can now use it for a range of different tasks, including sending short videos, live video chatting, messaging, creating caricature - like Bitmoji avatars, and sharing a chronological "story" that's broadcasted to all your followers. There's even a designated "Discovery" area that showcases short-form content from major publishers like Buzzfeed. imageThe key thing to realise about Snapchat is that it is all about instant communication through your mobile phone. Prior to Snapchat, social media was very desktop-based, and it was all about accumulating data. For instances, you'd post statuses, tweets, photos, and videos, and you'd have a record of all those things online, so your friends could comment on them and you would all see them forever. Snapchat has changed that. It changed the way we communicate online. With Snapchat, you can quickly send a photo of yourself with a rainbow-puking AR lens applied to a friend, and after they open it, it'll disappear forever.Passage 2
A Brief History of Snapchat
From Pocket-Lint · 385 words · 4 mins
Evan Spiegel, the CEO and founder of Snapchat and Bobby Murphy - his co-founder - met at the Stanford University where they created the initial version of Snapchat, which was known as Picaboo. Their main goal was to create an application that would help users send photos to their friends that would eventually vanish. This led to the development of Picaboo, which was first launched in July 2011 in the iOS App Store. After that, a new problem arose - Screenshots. Users were able to take screenshots of the photos loaded on Picaboo, making the disappearing aspect of Picaboo messaging app useless. This made the founders to incorporate a workaround solution that would take care of the screenshot problem. They developed a notification feature where users could be notified whenever a follower took a screenshot of their content. imageIn September 2011, Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy rebranded the messaging app as Snapchat. They relaunched the application in the iOS App Store as Snapchat. The founders focused more on improving the app's technological improvements than marketing or branding it in an effort to make the user's experience more natural. They wanted to build a tool that would make communication cooler than the traditional advertising. On the 9th of May 2012, CEO Evan Spiegel published Snapchat's first blog post explaining to users what they should expect from the application in the future. He said that Snapchat was not about capturing those Kodak moments. Instead, it was about interacting with the entire range of human emotions and not just conforming to unrealistic ideas of beauty and perfection. He described Snapchat as the answer to the stress that results from the permanency of personal data on social media. It was during this same year that Snapchat for Android was launched in Google Play Store. This saw its user base grow to over 100,000 users. imageOver the last few years, Snapchat has grown to become one of the biggest and most popular social media platforms in the world today. Since its inception in 2011, it has been extensively adopted, especially among teens and millennials. According to various surveys, 26% of people aged between 12 and 24 said that they used the Snapchat app the most. This application boasts of over 200 million daily users that consume about 800 hours of videos per second. 