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Asset Pricing:Arbitrage and Positive Pricing

热度:84   发布时间:2023-11-25 01:02:09.0

Asset Pricing:Arbitrage and Positive Pricing

SA(强套利):Payoff Positive,Price strictly negetive 的投资组合:
h X ≥ 0 , p h < 0 hX\geq0,ph<0 hX0,ph<0
h X ≥ 0 , p h ≤ 0 ( h X ≠ 0 , p h ≠ 0 , o r b o t h h o l d ) hX\geq0,ph\leq0\ (hX\neq0,ph\neq0,or\ both\ hold) hX0,ph0 (hX??=0,ph??=0,or both hold)


x 1 = ( 1 , 1 ) , x 2 = ( 1 , 2 ) , p 1 = p 2 = 1 x_1=(1,1),x_2=(1,2),p_1=p_2=1 x1?=(1,1),x2?=(1,2),p1?=p2?=1

h = ( ? 1 , 1 ) , h X = ( 0 , 1 ) ≥ 0 , p h = 0 h=(-1,1),hX=(0,1)\geq0,ph=0 h=(?1,1),hX=(0,1)0,ph=0,?是套利但不是强套利。


Example : x 1 = ( ? 1 , 2 , 0 ) , x 2 = ( 2 , 2 , ? 1 ) x_1=(-1,2,0),x_2=(2,2,-1) x1?=(?1,2,0),x2?=(2,2,?1)
? h 1 + 2 h 2 ≥ 0 h 1 + h 2 ≥ 0 ? h 2 ≥ 0 -h_1+2h_2\geq0\\h_1+h_2\geq0\\-h_2\geq0 ?h1?+2h2?0h1?+h2?0?h2?0
→ h 1 = 0 , h 2 = 0 \to h_1=0,h_2=0 h1?=0,h2?=0??。不存在正且非零收益的投资组合,所以任意套利都是强套利。因为不存在冗余证券,所以对于任意证券价格一价定律成立,不存在强套利。所以,不存在套利。

? h , h i s A ? S A ; h i s S A ? A \forall h,h\ is\ A\ \nRightarrow\ SA;h\ is\ SA\ \Rightarrow\ A ?h,h is A ? SA;h is SA ? A? S A ? A SA\subseteqq A SA?A?

Properties :

  1. 不存在 h , s . t h X > 0 , t h e n A = S A h,s.t\ hX>0,then\ A=SA h,s.t hX>0,then A=SA
  2. LOOP fails iff ? h , s . t h X = 0 , p h < 0 \exist h,s.t\ hX=0,ph<0 ?h,s.t hX=0,ph<0

Graph Representation

Two Financial Securities : 1,2 , Three States : 1,2,3

Example of Three Securities : 3 securities , 3 states, x 1 = ( 1 , 1 , 0 ) , x 2 = ( 0 , 1 , 1 ) , x 3 = ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) , p = ( 1 , 1 2 , 1 2 ) T x_1=(1,1,0),x_2=(0,1,1),x_3=(1,0,1),p=(1,\dfrac{1}{2},\dfrac{1}{2})^T x1?=(1,1,0),x2?=(0,1,1),x3?=(1,0,1),p=(1,21?,21?)T?

Questions : 1. If h contains two securities ; 2.Three securities , A? SA?

  1. ( x 1 , x 2 ) → h 1 ? [ 1 1 0 ] + h 2 ? [ 0 1 1 ] ≥ 0 → h 1 ≥ 0 , h 1 + h 2 ≥ 0 , h 2 ≥ 0 → h 1 ≥ 0 , h 2 ≥ 0 (x_1,x_2)\to h_1·\left[\begin{matrix}1\\1\\0\end{matrix}\right]+h_2·\left[\begin{matrix}0\\1\\1\end{matrix}\right]\geq0\to h_1\geq0,h_1+h_2\geq0,h_2\geq0\to h_1\geq0,h_2\geq0 (x1?,x2?)h1?????110????+h2?????011????0h1?0,h1?+h2?0,h2?0h1?0,h2?0

    p h = h 1 + 0.5 h 2 ≥ 0 → N A ph=h_1+0.5h_2\geq0\to NA ph=h1?+0.5h2?0NA

    ( x 2 , x 3 ) , ( x 1 , x 3 ) (x_2,x_3),(x_1,x_3) (x2?,x3?),(x1?,x3?) is the same.

  2. h 1 ? [ 1 1 0 ] + h 2 ? [ 0 1 1 ] + h 3 ? [ 1 0 1 ] ≥ 0 → h 1 + h 3 ≥ 0 , h 1 + h 2 ≥ 0 , h 2 + h 3 ≥ 0 h_1·\left[\begin{matrix}1\\1\\0\end{matrix}\right]+h_2·\left[\begin{matrix}0\\1\\1\end{matrix}\right]+h_3·\left[\begin{matrix}1\\0\\1\end{matrix}\right]\geq0\to h_1+h_3\geq0,h_1+h_2\geq0,h_2+h_3\geq0 h1?????110????+h2?????011????+h3?????101????0h1?+h3?0,h1?+h2?0,h2?+h3?0

    p h = h 1 + 0.5 h 2 + 0.5 h 3 ph=h_1+0.5h_2+0.5h_3 ph=h1?+0.5h2?+0.5h3?

    when h 1 = ? 1 , h 2 = 1 , h 3 = 1 , h X > 0 , p h = 0 → A h_1=-1,h_2=1,h_3=1,hX>0,ph=0\to A h1?=?1,h2?=1,h3?=1,hX>0,ph=0A

Any functional q ( z ) q(z) q(z) is positive if ? z ≥ 0 , q ( z ) ≥ 0 \forall z\geq0,q(z)\geq0 ?z0,q(z)0

Any functional q ( z ) q(z) q(z)? is strictly positive if ? z > 0 , q ( z ) > 0 \forall z>0,q(z)>0 ?z>0,q(z)>0

Theorem : q ( z ) q(z) q(z)? is linear and strictly positive iff NA.


  1. if q ( z ) q(z) q(z) is linear and strictly positive → \to LOOP holds → \to ? h , h X = 0 , p h = 0 \forall h,hX=0,ph=0 ?h,hX=0,ph=0

    strictly positive → ? h , h X > 0 , q ( z ) = p h > 0 \to\forall h,hX>0,q(z)=ph>0 ?h,hX>0,q(z)=ph>0??。所以证明了NA。

  2. if NA → \to LOOP holds ? q ( z ) \Leftrightarrow q(z) ?q(z) is linear functional, z = h X , q ( z ) = p h z=hX,q(z)=ph z=hX,q(z)=ph.

    NA → \to if z > 0 z>0 z>0, then q ( z ) > 0 q(z)>0 q(z)>0, strictly positive.

Theorem : q ( z ) q(z) q(z)?? is linear and positive iff NSA.


Positive Equilibrium Pricing

若市场完备,则资产张成空间与1期未定权益空间一致,由一价定律得:存在状态价格向量 q q q 使得:
p = X q p=Xq p=Xq
完备市场中 X X X 具有左逆,所以上式得出的 q q q 是唯一的,考虑:
q ( z ) = q z q(z)=qz q(z)=qz
不存在套利等价于状态价格严格为正( q > > 0 q>>0 q>>0?),不存在强套利等价于状态价格为正( q ≥ 0 q\geq0 q0)。

Theorem : given security price p , ? h ? \exist h^* ?h? optimal portfolio , u ( c 0 , c 1 ) u(c_0,c_1) u(c0?,c1?) is strictly increasing → \to ? Then NA

proof:假设在给定价格 p p p 处存在套利的投资组合 h ^ , h ^ X ≥ 0 , p h ^ ≤ 0 \hat h,\hat hX\ge0,p\hat h\leq0 h^,h^X0,ph^0,对每个预算可行的投资组合 h h h 和消费计划 ( c 0 , c 1 ) (c_0,c_1) (c0?,c1?),投资组合 h + h ^ h+\hat h h+h^ 是预算可行的。此时, ( c 0 ? p h ^ , c 1 + h ^ X ) (c_0-p\hat h,c_1+\hat hX) (c0??ph^,c1?+h^X) 严格偏好于 ( c 0 , c 1 ) (c_0,c_1) (c0?,c1?)?,因为个体效用函数严格递增。所以不存在optimal portfolio。

Theorem : given security price p , ? h ? \exist h^* ?h? optimal portfolio , u ( c 0 , c 1 ) u(c_0,c_1) u(c0?,c1?) is increasing in c 1 c_1 c1? and strictly increasing in c 0 c_0 c0? → \to ?? Then NSA


Theorem : suppose given Equilibrium price p, NA, c 0 ≥ 0 , c 1 ≥ 0 → c_0\geq0,c_1\geq0\to c0?0,c1?0 Then there exist h ? h^* h??? optimal portfolio.

proof:NA → \to LOOP holds.

如果存在冗余证券,则他们的价格必须等于具有相同收益的其他证券投资组合的价格。无冗余证券的较小子集中消费和投资组合问题的解也是所有证券的问题的解。所以,不失一般性,assume no security that redundant。

Weierstrass theorem:紧集上的任意连续函数都有最大值。

因为 u ( c 0 , c 1 ) u(c_0,c_1) u(c0?,c1?) is continues,所以根据Weierstrass theorem,只要证明由下式给出的个体预算集是紧集(闭且有界):
c 0 ≤ w 0 ? p h c 1 ≤ w 1 + h X c_0\leq w_0-ph\\c_1\leq w_1+hX c0?w0??phc1?w1?+hX

0 ≤ c 0 n ≤ ω 0 ? p h n 0 ≤ c 1 n ≤ ω 1 + h n X 0\leq c_0^n\leq\omega_0-ph^n\\0\leq c_1^n\leq\omega_1+h^nX 0c0n?ω0??phn0c1n?ω1?+hnX
可得投资组合序列 { h n } \{h^n\} { hn} 必须无界。

∣ ∣ h n ∣ ∣ ||h^n|| hn 表示 h n h^n hn 的欧几里得范数,then lim ? ∣ ∣ h n ∣ ∣ = + ∞ \lim||h^n||=+\infty limhn=+。每个投资组合 h n / ∣ ∣ h n ∣ ∣ h^n/||h^n|| hn/hn 均有单位范数。于是序列 { h n / ∣ ∣ h n ∣ ∣ } \{h^n/||h^n||\} { hn/hn} 是有界的,因此它具有收敛于非零投资组合 h ^ \hat h h^? 的序列。
0 ≤ c 0 n ≤ ω 0 ? p h n 0 ≤ c 1 n ≤ ω 1 + h n X c 0 n , c 1 n ≥ 0 → p h n ≤ ω 0 , h n X + ω 1 ≥ 0 → p ( h n / ∣ ∣ h n ∣ ∣ ) ≤ ω 0 / ∣ ∣ h n ∣ ∣ , h n / ∣ ∣ h n ∣ ∣ X + ω 1 / ∣ ∣ h n ∣ ∣ ≥ 0 n → ∞ : p h ^ ≤ 0 , h ^ X ≥ 0 0\leq c_0^n\leq\omega_0-ph^n\\0\leq c_1^n\leq\omega_1+h^nX\\c_0^n,c_1^n\geq0\\\to ph^n\leq\omega_0,h^nX+\omega_1\geq0\\\to p(h^n/||h^n||)\leq\omega_0/||h^n||,h^n/||h^n||X+\omega_1/||h^n||\geq0\\ n\to\infty:p\hat h\leq0,\hat hX\geq0 0c0n?ω0??phn0c1n?ω1?+hnXc0n?,c1n?0phnω0?,hnX+ω1?0p(hn/hn)ω0?/hn,hn/hnX+ω1?/hn0n:ph^0,h^X0
因为投资组合 h ^ \hat h h^ 非零,且不存在冗余证券,所以它的收益非零。由上式得 h ^ \hat h h^ 为套利。若消费不受约束,则不存在套利无法保证最优投资组合的存在,矛盾。


Equilibrium Positive Pricing

Theorem : If u ( ? ) u(·) u(?) is strictly increasing, then at Equilibrium price P, NA, and Equilibrium q(z) is linear and strictly positive.

Theorem : If u ( ? ) u(·) u(?) is strictly increasing in 0 period and increasing in 1 period, then at Equilibrium price P, NSA, and Equilibrium q(z) is linear and positive.
