当前位置: 代码迷 >> Oracle管理 >> 请问SQL语句:根据一个表中的条件过滤另一个表的数据


热度:39   发布时间:2016-04-24 05:25:42.0

  字段: code, 

表2为条件表: tb_filts,

I 5 10
E 6 8
select * from tb_data
 where code in(select code from tb_data where code>=5 and code<=10 )
and code not in(select code from tb_data where code>=6 and code<=8 )


SQL code
tb_filtsa b cI 5 10E 6 8 select * from tb_data where code in(select code from tb_data where code>=min(b) and code<=max(b) )and code not in(select code from tb_data where code>=min(c) and code<=max(c) )
打开游标后, 然后循环得到字段code_low,code_high的值 .根据每条数据的值编写符合这些信息的sql,返回code值.

SQL code
SELECT m.*  FROM tb_data m,       (SELECT MIN(DECODE(t.include_exclude_indicator, 'I', t.code_low)) i_code_low,               MAX(DECODE(t.include_exclude_indicator, 'I', t.code_high)) i_code_high,               MIN(DECODE(t.include_exclude_indicator, 'E', t.code_low)) e_code_low,               MAX(DECODE(t.include_exclude_indicator, 'E', t.code_high)) e_code_high          FROM tb_filts t) n WHERE m.code >= n.i_code_low   AND m.code <= n.i_code_high   AND (m.code < n.e_code_low OR m.code > e_code_high)
SQL code
SELECT m.*  FROM tb_data m,       (SELECT MAX(DECODE(t.include_exclude_indicator, 'I', t.code_low)) i_code_low,               MIN(DECODE(t.include_exclude_indicator, 'I', t.code_high)) i_code_high,               MIN(DECODE(t.include_exclude_indicator, 'E', t.code_low)) e_code_low,               MAX(DECODE(t.include_exclude_indicator, 'E', t.code_high)) e_code_high          FROM tb_filts t) n WHERE m.code >= n.i_code_low   AND m.code <= n.i_code_high   AND (m.code < n.e_code_low OR m.code > e_code_high)
SQL code
with tb_data as(select 1 code,'a' data1,'a' data2 from dualunion allselect 2,'b','b' from dualunion allselect 3,'c','c' from dualunion allselect 4,'d','d' from dualunion allselect 5,'e','e' from dualunion allselect 6,'f','f' from dualunion allselect 7,'g','g' from dualunion allselect 8,'h','h' from dualunion allselect 9,'i','i' from dualunion allselect 10,'j','j' from dualunion allselect 11,'k','k' from dual),tb_filts as(select 'I' include_exclude_indicator,5 code_low,10 code_high from dualunion allselect 'E',6,8 from dual)select * from tb_data t1 where exists (select 1 from tb_filts t2          where t2.include_exclude_indicator='I'               and t1.code>=t2.code_low and t1.code<=t2.code_high)and not exists (select 1 from tb_filts t2          where t2.include_exclude_indicator='E'               and t1.code>=t2.code_low and t1.code<=t2.code_high)      CODE DATA1 DATA2---------- ----- -----        10 j     j         9 i     i         5 e     e
SQL code
with tb_data as(select 1 code,'a' data1,'a' data2 from dualunion allselect 2,'b','b' from dualunion allselect 3,'c','c' from dualunion allselect 4,'d','d' from dualunion allselect 5,'e','e' from dualunion allselect 6,'f','f' from dualunion allselect 7,'g','g' from dualunion allselect 8,'h','h' from dualunion allselect 9,'i','i' from dualunion allselect 10,'j','j' from dualunion allselect 11,'k','k' from dual),tb_filts as(select 'I' include_exclude_indicator,5 code_low,10 code_high from dualunion allselect 'E',6,8 from dual)select * from tb_data t1 where exists (select 1 from tb_filts t2          where t2.include_exclude_indicator='I'               and t1.code>=t2.code_low and t1.code<=t2.code_high)and not exists (select 1 from tb_filts t2          where t2.include_exclude_indicator='E'               and t1.code>=t2.code_low and t1.code<=t2.code_high)      CODE DATA1 DATA2---------- ----- -----        10 j     j         9 i     i         5 e     e