当前位置: 代码迷 >> Oracle开发 >> pl/sql脚本执行报错ORA-01008解决方法


热度:143   发布时间:2016-04-24 08:01:21.0
C# code
 declare lnInput  NUMBER(20,5); lnSto_in NUMBER(20,5); lnOther  NUMBER(20,5); lnBala   NUMBER(20,5); lnEnd    NUMBER(20,5); lnoff   number(20,5); lnini   number(20,5); v_bill_type varchar2(2); v_wo_id VARCHAR2(16); v_bill_qty number(20,5); begin lnInput := 0; lnSto_in := 0; lnOther :=  0 ; lnBala := 0 ; v_bill_qty :=0; lnEnd:=0; lnoff:=0; lnini := 0; v_bill_type := ''; v_wo_id := '';      declare    -- v_bill_type flow_wo_proce.bill_type%type;   -- v_wo_id flow_wo_proce.wo_id%type;    --v_bill_qty flow_wo_proce.bill_qty;     cursor c_flow is select flow_wo_proce.bill_type,flow_wo_proce.wo_id,flow_wo_proce.bill_qty from flow_wo_proce where account_mon  = '2010/03' and flow_id = 'IH01025';       begin        open c_flow;       loop           fetch c_flow into v_bill_type,v_wo_id,v_bill_qty;           exit when  c_flow%NOTFOUND ;           if substr(:v_bill_type,1,1) =  '1' then               lnInput := nvl(:v_bill_qty,0);           elsif substr(:v_bill_type,1,1) =  '2'  then               lnSto_in :=nvl(:v_bill_qty,0);           elsif substr(:v_bill_type,1,1) =  '3'  then               lnOther := nvl(:v_bill_qty,0);           elsif substr(:v_bill_type,1,1) =  '4'  then                lnOther := (-1)*nvl(:v_bill_qty,0);           elsif v_bill_type =  '51'  then                lnBala:= nvl(:v_bill_qty,0);           else                goto x;           end if ;           select end_qty into lnini from flow_wo_month a where a.account_mon = '2010/02'  and a.flow_id = 'IH01025' and a.wo_id =:v_wo_id ;           lnEnd := lnInput - lnSto_in - lnOther - lnBala - lnOff;           if exists(select 1 from flow_wo_month where account_mon = '2010/03' and flow_id = 'IH01025'  and wo_id = :v_wo_id) then             INSERT INTO FLOW_WO_MONTH(ACCOUNT_MON, FLOW_ID, WO_ID, INI_QTY, INPUT_QTY, STO_IN_QTY, OTHER_OUT_QTY, BALANCE_QTY, END_QTY, OFF_QTY)              VALUES( '2010/03','IH01025',:v_wo_id,nvl(:lnini,0),           :lnInput,:lnSto_in,:lnOther,:lnBala,:lnEnd,:lnoff);           else                    UPDATE FLOW_WO_MONTH SET INPUT_QTY = INPUT_QTY + lnInput, STO_IN_QTY = STO_IN_QTY + lnSto_in, OTHER_OUT_QTY = OTHER_OUT_QTY + lnOther,                               BALANCE_QTY = BALANCE_QTY + lnBala, END_QTY = END_QTY + lnEnd, OFF_QTY = OFF_QTY + lnOff                               WHERE ACCOUNT_MON = '2010/03' AND FLOW_ID = 'IH01025' AND WO_ID = :v_wo_id;           end if;           <<x>>           null;       end loop ;       close c_flow;    end ;    end ;           

