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oracle 查询总记录数有关问题

热度:24   发布时间:2016-04-24 07:18:47.0
oracle 查询总记录数问题
有表 order 
ID name status  
01 aaa 01
02 aba 02
03 abc 03
04 baa 01
05 bac 01

 现要查询 总记录数和 status 为 ‘01’的记录数之差。。。。。


SQL code
select count(1)-count(case when status = 1 then 1 else null end)  from order;
select count(1) - count(case
when status = '01' then
from order;
SQL code
with t as(select '01' id,'aaa' name,'01' status from dualunion allselect '02' id,'aba' name,'02' status from dualunion allselect '01' id,'aaa' name,'01' status from dual)select tab1.a - tab2.b  from (select count(1) a from t) tab1,      (select count(1) b from t where t.status = '01') tab2
SQL code
--查询 总记录数和 status 为 ‘01’ 且 name 是 ‘aaa’,的记录数之差select count(1)-sum(case when status = '01' and name = 'aaa' then 1 else 0 end)from order;-- 查询 总记录数和 status 为 ‘01’ 或者 ‘03’ 的记录数之差select count(1)-sum(case when status in ('01','03') then 1 else 0 end)from order;