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热度:2975   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
You want to create a tablespace with the following specifications:
1. The tablespace extends automatically.
2. Used and free extents should be managed by bitmaps.
3. Default PCTUSED attribute is set to 60.
4. All the extents would be of size 1 MB.
Which three options would you choose to create the tablespace? (Choose three.) 

A) tablespace with AUTOEXTEND enabled
B) tablespace with dictionary-managed extents
C) tablespace with a uniform extent allocation of 1 MB
D) tablespace with segment space management as manual
E) tablespace with segment space management as automatic

明明2. Used and free extents should be managed by bitmaps.为什么会是segment space management as manual呢?


答案正确 ACD
1. The tablespace extends automatically.  表空间自增长
2. Used and free extents should be managed by bitmaps.  本地管理表空间,区的管理使用位图
3. Default PCTUSED attribute is set to 60.   说明使用PCTUSED参数,手动管理段
4. All the extents would be of size 1 MB.    区大小固定,非自增长


本地管理表空间: 使用位图来管理表空间中区的使用状况,allocate, reuse等等
I haven't learned about segment.