当前位置: 代码迷 >> Lotus >> 想请问下:就是某个邮件服务器下有个mail文件夹,怎么取到那个文件夹里所有文件的文件名和文件标题?


热度:131   发布时间:2016-05-05 07:17:56.0

VBScript code
Sub Initialize    On Error Goto errproc    Dim Session As New NotesSession    Dim Dire As NotesDbDirectory    Dim Db As NotesDatabase    Dim mACL As NotesACL    Dim mACLEntry As NotesACLEntry    Dim Collection As NotesDocumentCollection    Dim curdb As NotesDatabase    Dim view As NotesView        Dim doc As NotesDocument    Dim myACL As NotesACL    Dim myACLEntry As NotesACLEntry    Dim viewpz As notesview    Dim docpz As notesdocument    'Dim mUtil As Variant    'Dim item As notesitem    'Dim DirName As notesitem        Dim FileName As String    Dim Index As Integer        Index = 1        ServerStr$ = Inputbox("Name of server(eg:test/test)?", "Server")    If ServerStr$ ="" Then        Msgbox "输入服务器Server才能继续执行!"        Exit Sub    End If            DirName$ = Inputbox("Name of Directory(eg:testoa)?", "Directory")    If DirName$ ="" Then        Msgbox "输入服务器Directory才能继续执行!"        Exit Sub    End If                    Index = 1        Dim excelApp As Variant    Dim excelWorkbook As Variant    Dim excelSheet As Variant    Set excelApp=CreateObject("Excel.Application")    excelApp.Visible = True    Set excelWorkbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Add    Set excelSheet = excelWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")    excelSheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "数据库名称"    excelSheet.Cells(1,2).Value = "文件目录"    excelSheet.Cells(1,3).Value = "文件名"    excelSheet.Cells(1,4).Value = "文档数"    excelSheet.Cells(1,5).Value = "文件大小(M)"            Set Dire = Session.GetDbDirectory(ServerStr$)    Set Db = Dire.GetFirstDatabase(DATABASE)    While Not Db Is Nothing                If Instr(db.FilePath,DirName$+"\")>0 Then            Index = Index + 1                 excelSheet.Cells(Index,1).Value = Db.title            excelSheet.Cells(Index,2).Value = Db.FilePath            excelSheet.Cells(Index,3).Value = Db.filename            Call Db.open("", "")            excelSheet.Cells(Index,4).Value = Db.AllDocuments.Count            tmp# = 1024^2            excelSheet.Cells(Index,5).Value = Db.size/tmp#                    End If                Set Db = Dire.GetNextDatabase    Wend            Exit Sub        errproc:        Msgbox "Error:"+Error$+" in Line:"+Cstr(Erl())    If Not (excelApp Is Nothing) Then        excelApp.DisplayAlerts = False        excelApp.Quit        Set excelApp= Nothing    End If     Msgbox "Error:"+Error$+" in Line:"+Cstr(Erl())End Sub