当前位置: 代码迷 >> JavaScript >> 使用脚本自动更改动态拉动的货币


热度:79   发布时间:2023-06-12 13:51:49.0





即,如果我的价值为$ 1.00,脚本将用$替换$,并将1.00乘以33,这样用户将看到?33而不是$ 1.00。


<script type='text/javascript'>
// <[CDATA[
// Populate some hashes in the js context:
var dual_core = new Array();
<% dual_core.each do |dc| %>
dual_core["<%= dc.specific_type %>-<%= dc.base_renewal_period %>"] = new Array();
dual_core["<%= dc.specific_type %>-<%= dc.base_renewal_period %>"]["specific_type"] = "<%= dc.specific_type %>";
dual_core["<%= dc.specific_type %>-<%= dc.base_renewal_period %>"]["base_renewal_period"] = "<%= dc.base_renewal_period %>";
dual_core["<%= dc.specific_type %>-<%= dc.base_renewal_period %>"]["unit_price"] = "<%= dc.unit_price %>";
dual_core["<%= dc.specific_type %>-<%= dc.base_renewal_period %>"]["quoted_unit_price"] = "<%= billing.price(dc.unit_price) %>";
dual_core["<%= dc.specific_type %>-<%= dc.base_renewal_period %>"]["display_price"] = "<%= billing.price(dc.unit_price, :use_tax_prefs) %>";
<% end %>
var quad_core = new Array();
<% quad_core.each do |qc| %>
quad_core["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"] = new Array();
quad_core["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["specific_type"] = "<%= qc.specific_type %>";
quad_core["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["base_renewal_period"] = "<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>";
quad_core["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["unit_price"] = "<%= qc.unit_price %>";
quad_core["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["quoted_unit_price"] = "<%= billing.price(qc.unit_price) %>";
quad_core["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["display_price"] = "<%= billing.price(qc.unit_price, :use_tax_prefs) %>";
<% end %>
var quad_core_bd = new Array();
<% quad_core_bd.each do |qc| %>
quad_core_bd["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"] = new Array();
quad_core_bd["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["specific_type"] = "<%= qc.specific_type %>";
quad_core_bd["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["base_renewal_period"] = "<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>";
quad_core_bd["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["unit_price"] = "<%= qc.unit_price %>";
quad_core_bd["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["quoted_unit_price"] = "<%= billing.price(qc.unit_price) %>";
quad_core_bd["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["display_price"] = "<%= billing.price(qc.unit_price, :use_tax_prefs) %>";
<% end %>
var octo_core = new Array();
<% octo_core.each do |qc| %>
octo_core["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"] = new Array();
octo_core["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["specific_type"] = "<%= qc.specific_type %>";
octo_core["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["base_renewal_period"] = "<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>";
octo_core["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["unit_price"] = "<%= qc.unit_price %>";
octo_core["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["quoted_unit_price"] = "<%= billing.price(qc.unit_price) %>";
octo_core["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["display_price"] = "<%= billing.price(qc.unit_price, :use_tax_prefs) %>";
<% end %>
var octo_core_fd = new Array();
<% octo_core_fd.each do |qc| %>
octo_core_fd["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"] = new Array();
octo_core_fd["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["specific_type"] = "<%= qc.specific_type %>";
octo_core_fd["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["base_renewal_period"] = "<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>";
octo_core_fd["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["unit_price"] = "<%= qc.unit_price %>";
octo_core_fd["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["quoted_unit_price"] = "<%= billing.price(qc.unit_price) %>";
octo_core_fd["<%= qc.specific_type %>-<%= qc.base_renewal_period %>"]["display_price"] = "<%= billing.price(qc.unit_price, :use_tax_prefs) %>";
<% end %>
var cpanel = new Array();
<% cpanel.each do |cp| %>
cpanel["<%= cp.specific_type %>-<%= cp.base_renewal_period %>"] = new Array();
cpanel["<%= cp.specific_type %>-<%= cp.base_renewal_period %>"]["specific_type"] = "<%= cp.specific_type %>";
cpanel["<%= cp.specific_type %>-<%= cp.base_renewal_period %>"]["base_renewal_period"] = "<%= cp.base_renewal_period %>";
cpanel["<%= cp.specific_type %>-<%= cp.base_renewal_period %>"]["quoted_unit_price"] = "<%= billing.price(cp.unit_price) %>";
cpanel["<%= cp.specific_type %>-<%= cp.base_renewal_period %>"]["display_price"] = "<%= billing.price(cp.unit_price, :use_tax_prefs) %>";
<% end %>
var backup = new Array();
<% backup.each do |bk| %>
backup["<%= bk.specific_type %>-<%= bk.base_renewal_period %>"] = new Array();
backup["<%= bk.specific_type %>-<%= bk.base_renewal_period %>"]["specific_type"] = "<%= bk.specific_type %>";
backup["<%= bk.specific_type %>-<%= bk.base_renewal_period %>"]["base_renewal_period"] = "<%= bk.base_renewal_period %>";
backup["<%= bk.specific_type %>-<%= bk.base_renewal_period %>"]["quoted_unit_price"] = "<%= billing.price(bk.unit_price) %>";
backup["<%= bk.specific_type %>-<%= bk.base_renewal_period %>"]["display_price"] = "<%= billing.price(bk.unit_price, :use_tax_prefs) %>";
<% end %>
// ]]>
<script type='text/javascript' src='<%= url_prefix %>ds.js'></script>
<!-- include the template ds-js.rhtml -->
<% included_content_result = include_common_template("ds-js.rhtml", "@included_content_out_js") %>
<%= included_content_result %>
<div class='container' id='t-dedicated-servers'>
<h2 id='effective-title'>Dedicated Servers</h2>
Our range of Dedicated Servers provide either Dual or Quad core processors, include
 unlimited bandwidth and are perfect for busy websites or hosting multiple websites on one machine.
Choose from Linux CentOS or Windows Web Server 2008. All servers are setup with
 your choice of operating system in about 30 minutes by our automated system.
<% @os_to_name = { "linux" => "Linux (CentOS)", "windows" => "Windows Server 2008 Web Edition", "windows_se" => "Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition"} %>
<form accept-charset='utf-8' method='post' action='basket' id='order-form'>
<% if no_upsell? %><input type='hidden' name='no-upsell' value='1'/><% end %>
<table style='border: 1'>
<% if dual_core_for_sale %>

 <% @core_type = "2c" %>
 <!-- include the template ds-common.rhtml -->
 <% included_content_result = include_common_template("ds-common.rhtml", "@included_content_out_two") %>
 <%= included_content_result %>

<% end %>
<% if quad_core_for_sale %>
 <% if os_list['4c'].size > 0 %>

  <% @core_type = "4c" %>
  <!-- include the template ds-common.rhtml -->
  <% included_content_result = include_common_template("ds-common.rhtml", "@included_content_out_four") %>
  <%= included_content_result %>

 <% end # os_list[4c].size > 0 %>
 <!-- Quad core large disk -->
 <% if quad_core_large_disk_for_sale %>

  <% @core_type = "4c_bd" %>
  <!-- include the template ds-common.rhtml -->
  <% included_content_result = include_common_template("ds-common.rhtml", "@included_content_out_four_b") %>
  <%= included_content_result %>

 <% end # quad_core_large_disk_for_sale %>
<% end %>
<% if octo_core_for_sale %>
 <% if os_list['8c_bd'].size > 0 %>

  <% @core_type = "8c_bd" %>
  <!-- include the template ds-common.rhtml -->
  <% included_content_result = include_common_template("ds-common.rhtml", "@included_content_out_eight") %>
  <%= included_content_result %>

 <% end # os_list['8c'].size > 0 %>
 <!-- Octo (2xQuad) core fast disk -->
 <% if octo_core_fd_for_sale %>

  <% @core_type = "8c_fd" %>
  <!-- include the template ds-common.rhtml -->
  <% included_content_result = include_common_template("ds-common.rhtml", "@included_content_out_eight_b") %>
  <%= included_content_result %>

 <% end # octo_core_fd_for_sale %>

<% end %>

<% if free_products.size > 0 %>
If you order a Dedicated Server you will be entitled to one free registration for the minimum period of a domain of one of the following types:<br />
<% free_products.each_key do |fp| %>
<%= free_products[fp] %><br />
<% end %>
<% end %>
<p><input type='submit' value='Add to Basket' onclick='javascript: if(!get_selected_period()) { alert("Please choose a price and payment frequency");return false; } else { return true; };'/></p>
<% unless basket.nil? or basket.empty? or no_upsell? %>
<p><a href='basket?add-no-product=ds'>No thank you, please continue with my order ....</a></p>
<% end %>
<% if not billing.tax_applies? %>
<% elsif billing.include_tax? %>
    <p>* Includes <%= billing.tax_name %></p>
<% else %>
    <p>* Excluding <%= billing.tax_name %></p>
<% end %>

=begin advice %>

    This section is completely ignored and can safely be removed.

=end advice %>



我认为您应该使用此来转换货币。 可以使用服务器上的服务器端脚本或上的JavaScript 来完成此操作。
