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css 文件加载不进的有关问题

热度:99   发布时间:2012-02-14 19:19:19.0
css 文件加载不进的问题。
web   application   跟目录:
war   -|login.jsp

login.jsp   &   common   locate   at   the   root   directory.

in   login.jsp   ,   I   coded   like   this   :

<link   href   =   "common/css/pageStyle.css "   rel   =   "stylesheet "   type   =   "text/css "   />
or   this   :
<link   href   =   "../common/css/pageStyle.css "   rel   =   "stylesheet "   type   =   "text/css "   />

it   doesn 't   work   either   .

why   ?

The   CSS   File   just   define   the   style   of   the   body   tag:
body   {
background-color   :   #FEFEFE

<link href = "./common/css/pageStyle.css " rel = "stylesheet " type = "text/css " />