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热度:109   发布时间:2012-04-24 14:15:38.0

JScript code

别人写的jslayout插件 可以分为 north、center、south
 * jLayout JQuery Plugin v0.17
 * Licensed under the new BSD License.
 * Copyright 2008-2009 Bram Stein
 * All rights reserved.
/*global jQuery jLayout*/
if (jQuery && jLayout) {
    (function ($) {
         * This wraps jQuery objects in another object that supplies
         * the methods required for the layout algorithms.
        function wrap(item, resize) {
            var that = {};

            $.each(['min', 'max'], function (i, name) {
                that[name + 'imumSize'] = function (value) {
                    var l = item.data('jlayout');
                    if (l) {
                        return l[name + 'imum'](that);
                    } else {
                        return item[name + 'Size'](value);

            $.extend(that, {
                doLayout: function () {
                    var l = item.data('jlayout');
                    if (l) {
                    item.css({position: 'absolute'});
                isVisible: function () {
                    return item.isVisible();
                insets: function () {
                    var p = item.padding(),
                        b = item.border();

                    return {
                        'top': p.top, 
                        'bottom': p.bottom + b.bottom + b.top, 
                        'left': p.left, 
                        'right': p.right + b.right + b.left
                bounds: function (value) {
                    var tmp = {};

                    if (value) {
                        if (typeof value.x === 'number') {
                            tmp.left = value.x;
                        if (typeof value.y === 'number') {
                            tmp.top = value.y;
                        if (typeof value.width === 'number') {
                            tmp.width = (value.width - (item.outerWidth(true) - item.width()));
                            tmp.width = (tmp.width >= 0) ? tmp.width : 0;
                        if (typeof value.height === 'number') {
                            tmp.height = value.height - (item.outerHeight(true) - item.height());
                            tmp.height = (tmp.height >= 0) ? tmp.height : 0;
                        return item;
                    } else {
                        tmp = item.position();
                        return {
                              'x': tmp.left,
                            'y': tmp.top,
                            'width': item.outerWidth(false),
                            'height': item.outerHeight(false)
                preferredSize: function () {
                    var minSize,
                        margin = item.margin(),
                        size = {width: 0, height: 0},
                        l = item.data('jlayout');

                    if (l && resize) {
                        size = l.preferred(that);

                        minSize = that.minimumSize();
                        maxSize = that.maximumSize();

                        size.width += margin.left + margin.right;
                        size.height += margin.top + margin.bottom;

                        if (size.width < minSize.width || size.height < minSize.height) {
                            size.width = Math.max(size.width, minSize.width);
                            size.height = Math.max(size.height, minSize.height);
                        } else if (size.width > maxSize.width || size.height > maxSize.height) {
                            size.width = Math.min(size.width, maxSize.width);
                            size.height = Math.min(size.height, maxSize.height);
                    } else {
                        size = that.bounds();
                        size.width += margin.left + margin.right;
                        size.height += margin.top + margin.bottom;
                    return size;
            return that;

        $.fn.layout = function (options) {
            var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.layout.defaults, options);
            return $.each(this, function () {
                var element = $(this),
                    o = $.metadata && element.metadata().layout ? $.extend(opts, element.metadata().layout) : opts,
                    elementWrapper = wrap(element, o.resize);

                if (o.type === 'border' && typeof jLayout.border !== 'undefined') {                
                    $.each(['north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'center'], function (i, name) {
                        if (element.children().hasClass(name)) {
                            o[name] = wrap(element.children('.' + name + ':first'));
                    element.data('jlayout', jLayout.border(o));
                } else if (o.type === 'grid' && typeof jLayout.grid !== 'undefined') {
                    o.items = [];
                    element.children().each(function (i) {
                        if (!$(this).hasClass('ui-resizable-handle')) {
                            o.items[i] = wrap($(this));
                    element.data('jlayout', jLayout.grid(o));
                } else if (o.type === 'flexGrid' && typeof jLayout.flexGrid !== 'undefined') {
                    o.items = [];
                    element.children().each(function (i) {
                        if (!$(this).hasClass('ui-resizable-handle')) {
                            o.items[i] = wrap($(this));
                    element.data('jlayout', jLayout.flexGrid(o));
                } else if (o.type === 'column' && typeof jLayout.column !== 'undefined') {
                    o.items = [];
                    element.children().each(function (i) {
                        if (!$(this).hasClass('ui-resizable-handle')) {
                            o.items[i] = wrap($(this));
                    element.data('jlayout', jLayout.column(o));
                } else if (o.type === 'flow' && typeof jLayout.flow !== 'undefined') {
                    o.items = [];
                    element.children().each(function (i) {
                        if (!$(this).hasClass('ui-resizable-handle')) {
                            o.items[i] = wrap($(this));
                    element.data('jlayout', jLayout.flow(o));                    
                if (o.resize) {
                element.css({position: 'relative'});
                if ($.ui !== undefined) {

        $.fn.layout.defaults = {
            resize: true,
            type: 'grid'