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ext combobox 怎么触发select事件

热度:107   发布时间:2012-04-20 15:27:03.0
ext combobox 如何触发select事件
new Ext.form.ComboBox({
  id: 'usertype',
  hiddenName: "atype",
  fieldLabel: '用户类型',
  typeAhead: true,
  triggerAction: 'all',
  lazyRender: false,
  value: '普通用户',
  width: 195,
  mode: 'local',
  store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
  id: 3,
  fields: ['value', 'displayText'],
  data: [
  ['F', '普通用户'],
  ['D', '认证用户'],
  ['R', 'Radius认证用户']
  valueField: 'value',
  displayField: 'displayText',
  listeners: {
  select: function (a, b, c) {
  var d = b.data.value;
  if (d == 'F') {
//do something  
  } else if (d == 'D') {
  //do somethins 2
  } else {
  //dom somethins 3


我用Ext.getCmp("usertype").setValue("认证用户"); 后,希望combobox会自动去 //do somethins 2,但是setValue后,不行?怎么触发select 事件?


fireEvent( String eventName, Object... args ) : Boolean
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).
eventName : String
args : Object...
Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers
returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true