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热度:261   发布时间:2013-01-26 13:47:02.0
 * The Model. Model stores items and notifies
 * observers about changes.
function ListModel(items) {
    this._items = items;
    this._selectedIndex = -1;

    this.itemAdded = new Event(this);
    this.itemRemoved = new Event(this);
    this.selectedIndexChanged = new Event(this);

ListModel.prototype = {
    getItems : function () {
        return [].concat(this._items);

    addItem : function (item) {
        this.itemAdded.notify({ item : item });

    removeItemAt : function (index) {
        var item;

        item = this._items[index];
        this._items.splice(index, 1);
        this.itemRemoved.notify({ item : item });
        if (index === this._selectedIndex) {

    getSelectedIndex : function () {
        return this._selectedIndex;

    setSelectedIndex : function (index) {
        var previousIndex;

        previousIndex = this._selectedIndex;
        this._selectedIndex = index;
        this.selectedIndexChanged.notify({ previous : previousIndex });

Event is a simple class for implementing the Observer pattern:

function Event(sender) {
    this._sender = sender;
    this._listeners = [];

Event.prototype = {
    attach : function (listener) {
    notify : function (args) {
        var index;

        for (index = 0; index < this._listeners.length; index += 1) {
            this._listeners[index](this._sender, args);

The View class requires defining controls for interacting with. There are numerous alternatives of interface for the task, but I prefer a most simple one. I want my items to be in a Listbox control and two buttons below it: "plus" button for adding items and "minus" for removing selected item. The support for selecting an item is provided by Listbox's native functionality. A View class is tightly bound with a Controller class, which "... handles the input event from the user interface, often via a registered handler or callback" (from wikipedia.org).

Here are the View and Controller classes:

 * The View. View presents the model and provides
 * the UI events. The controller is attached to these
 * events to handle the user interraction.
function ListView(model, elements) {
    this._model = model;
    this._elements = elements;

    this.listModified = new Event(this);
    this.addButtonClicked = new Event(this);
    this.delButtonClicked = new Event(this);

    var _this = this;

    // attach model listeners
    this._model.itemAdded.attach(function () {
    this._model.itemRemoved.attach(function () {

    // attach listeners to HTML controls
    this._elements.list.change(function (e) {
        _this.listModified.notify({ index : e.target.selectedIndex });
    this._elements.addButton.click(function () {
    this._elements.delButton.click(function () {

ListView.prototype = {
    show : function () {

    rebuildList : function () {
        var list, items, key;

        list = this._elements.list;

        items = this._model.getItems();
        for (key in items) {
            if (items.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                list.append($('<option>' + items[key] + '</option>'));

 * The Controller. Controller responds to user actions and
 * invokes changes on the model.
function ListController(model, view) {
    this._model = model;
    this._view = view;

    var _this = this;

    this._view.listModified.attach(function (sender, args) {

    this._view.addButtonClicked.attach(function () {

    this._view.delButtonClicked.attach(function () {

ListController.prototype = {
    addItem : function () {
        var item = window.prompt('Add item:', '');
        if (item) {

    delItem : function () {
        var index;

        index = this._model.getSelectedIndex();
        if (index !== -1) {

    updateSelected : function (index) {

And of course, the Model, View, and Controller classes should be instantiated. The sample, which you can below, uses the following code to instantiate and configure the classes:

$(function () {
    var model = new ListModel(['PHP', 'JavaScript']),
        view = new ListView(model, {
            'list' : $('#list'), 
            'addButton' : $('#plusBtn'), 
            'delButton' : $('#minusBtn')
        controller = new ListController(model, view);

<select id="list" size="10" style="width: 15em"></select><br/>
<button id="plusBtn">  +  </button>
<button id="minusBtn">  -  </button>