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ORA-00923: 未找到预期 FROM 关键字 的有关问题

热度:780   发布时间:2016-04-17 16:26:15.0
ORA-00923: 未找到预期 FROM 关键字 的问题,求助
public   List   getForumMainList(final   long   bid,   final   int   firstResult,   final   int   maxResults)   {
        return   getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new   HibernateCallback()   {
            public   Object   doInHibernate(Session   s)   throws   HibernateException,   SQLException   {
                    String   q   =   "from   Forum "   +   SysUtil.getForumTableID(bid)   +
                    "   forum   where   forum.boardID   =   ?   and   forum.isNew   =   1   and   forum.delSign   =   0   and   forum.auditing   =   0   order   by   forum.isTop   desc,forum.lastTime   desc ";
                    Query   query   =   s.createQuery(q);
                    query.setLong(0,   bid);
                    List   list   =   query.list();
                    return   list;


2007-02-15   14:13:58,859   [org.springframework.jdbc.support.SQLStateSQLExceptionTranslator]-[INFO]   Translating   SQLException   with   SQLState   '42000 '   and   errorCode   '923 '   and   message   [ORA-00923:   未找到预期   FROM   关键字
];   SQL   was   [null]   for   task   [HibernateAccessor]
2007-02-15   14:13:58,875   [org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor]-[WARN]   Unhandled   Exception   thrown:   class   org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException
2007-02-15   14:13:58,875   [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/bbs]]-[INFO]   Bad   SQL   grammar   [null]   in   task   'HibernateAccessor ';   nested   exception   is   java.sql.SQLException:   ORA-00923:   未找到预期   FROM   关键字


String q = "from Forum " + ... 改为
String q = "select Forum " +...
String q = "from Forum " + SysUtil.getForumTableID(bid) +
" forum where forum.boardID = ? and forum.isNew = 1 and forum.delSign = 0 and forum.auditing = 0 order by forum.isTop desc,forum.lastTime desc ";
