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前辈些帮忙解决下吧 。

热度:128   发布时间:2011-10-29 19:46:47.0
前辈些帮忙解决下吧 。

package register;

import java.awt.Event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class MyRegisterFrame extends JFrame
    public void CreatRegisterFrame(String title)
        final JFrame jf = new JFrame(title); //定义容器和各部件;
        Container c = jf.getContentPane();
        JLabel jl1 = new JLabel("用户名");
        JLabel jl2 = new JLabel("密码");
        final JTextField jt  = new JTextField("");
        final JPasswordField jp = new JPasswordField("");
        JButton jb1 = new JButton("登陆");
        JButton jb2 = new JButton("重置");
        jf.setSize(600, 400);
        c.add(jl1);  //添加各部件到容器;
        jl1.setBounds(150, 100, 10, 5);
        jl2.setBounds(150, 105, 10, 5);
        jt.setBounds(160, 100, 20, 5);
        jp.setBounds(160, 105, 20, 5);
        jb1.setBounds(180, 115, 10, 5);
        jb2.setBounds(195, 115, 10, 5);
        jb1.addActionListener(new ActionListener()  //为“登陆”按钮添加监听事件;
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                if (jt.getText() == "mr" && jp.getText() == "mrsoft")
                    new MyDialog(jf, "登陆成功").setVisible(true);
                    new MyDialog(jf, "用户名或密码错误").setVisible(true);
        jb2.addActionListener(new ActionListener()  //为“重置”按钮添加监听事件;
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    public static void main(String[] args)
        new MyRegisterFrame().CreatRegisterFrame("用户登陆窗口");

class MyDialog extends JDialog   //自定义对话框类;
    public MyDialog(JFrame jf, String str)
        super(jf, "提示信息", true);
        Container c = getContentPane();
        c.add(new JLabel(str));        
        c.setSize(100, 100);   
Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type
ActionListener cannot be resolved to a type    MyRegisterFrame.java    RegisterFrame/src/register    line 39    Java Problem
Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type
ActionListener cannot be resolved to a type    MyRegisterFrame.java    RegisterFrame/src/register    line 55    Java Problem

Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type
ActionListener cannot be resolved to a type    MyRegisterFrame.java    RegisterFrame/src/register    line 39    Java Problem
搜索更多相关的解决方案: 密码  register  package  public  用户名  

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
2011-10-29 13:06:54

等 级:论坛游民
帖 子:47
注 册:2011-1-12
回复 2楼 付政委
import java.awt.Event.*;
这个不就包含了你那两个包了 吗??