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热度:310   发布时间:2009-10-08 00:23:57.0
lastInterest += balance*annual/12;
我现在就是这个算下来小数点后面没有数字, 只有12.00,而没有12.12,我应该得12.12的,为什么后面是0呢?
lastInterest += (double)balance*annual/12; 这样也没用
搜索更多相关的解决方案: 解答  数字  


public class SavingsAccount
   private double balance;    // To hold balance
   private double annualInterestRate;// annual interest rate
   private double lastInterest; // To hold total interest rate
   public SavingsAccount(double bal, double rate)
      balance = bal;
      annualInterestRate = rate;
    //Add deposit to the current balance
   public void deposit(double amount)
      balance += amount;
    //Subtract withdraw to the balance
   public void withdraw(double amount)
      balance -= amount;
    //Calculate the total interest  
   public void addInterest()
      lastInterest += balance*getInterestRate();              --------------我觉得这里有问题
    //Return total balance
   public double getBalance()
      return balance+lastInterest;
    //Return monthly interest rate
   public double getInterestRate()
      return annualInterestRate/12;
    //Return total interest
   public double getLastInterest()
      return lastInterest;


import java.util.Scanner;//Needed for the Scanner class
import java.text.DecimalFormat;//Needed for decimal place

public class SavingsAccountTest
   public static void main(String[] args)
      double balance1;   // To hold balance
      double aInterest;   // To hold annual interest
        double month, dep, with; //To hold total months, deposite, withdraw
        double dep1=0, with1=0;//count total deposite and withdraw
      Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
        DecimalFormat f1 = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
      // Get the intial balance
      System.out.print("Enter the account's starting balance: ");
      balance1 = keyboard.nextDouble();
      // Get the annual interest rate
      System.out.print("Enter the savings account's annual "  
                         +"interest rate: ");
      aInterest = keyboard.nextDouble();
      // Get how many months have been passed
      System.out.print("How many months have passed since the "
                         + "account was opened? ");
      month = keyboard.nextDouble();
        // Create an instance of the CellPhone class,
      // passing the data that was entered as arguments
      // to the constructor.
      SavingsAccount acc = new SavingsAccount(balance1, aInterest);
        for (int n=1; n<=month; n++)
            System.out.print("Enter the amount deposited during month "
                                 + n + ": ");
            dep = keyboard.nextDouble();
            dep1 +=dep;   
            System.out.print("Enter the amount withdrawn during month "
                            + n + ": ");
            with = keyboard.nextDouble();
            with1 +=with;
      // Get the data from the phone and display it.
      System.out.println("Total deposited: $"+ f1.format(dep1));
      System.out.println("Total withdrawn: $" + f1.format(with1));
      System.out.println("Interest earned: $" + f1.format(acc.getLastInterest()));
      System.out.println("Ending balance: $" + f1.format(acc.getBalance()));

支持  版主!!!
Enter the account's starting balance: 12.12
Enter the savings account's annual interest rate: 12.12
How many months have passed since the account was opened? 12.12
Enter the amount deposited during month 1: 12.12
Enter the amount withdrawn during month 1: 12.12
Enter the amount deposited during month 2: 12.12
Enter the amount withdrawn during month 2: 12.12
Enter the amount deposited during month 3: 12.12
Enter the amount withdrawn during month 3: 12.12
Enter the amount deposited during month 4: 12.12
Enter the amount withdrawn during month 4: 12.12
Enter the amount deposited during month 5: 12.12
Enter the amount withdrawn during month 5: 12.12
Enter the amount deposited during month 6: 12.12
Enter the amount withdrawn during month 6: 12.12
Enter the amount deposited during month 7: 12.12
Enter the amount withdrawn during month 7: 12.12
Enter the amount deposited during month 8: 12.12
Enter the amount withdrawn during month 8: 12.12
Enter the amount deposited during month 9: 12.12
Enter the amount withdrawn during month 9: 12.12
Enter the amount deposited during month 10: 12.12
Enter the amount withdrawn during month 10: 12.12
Enter the amount deposited during month 11: 12.12
Enter the amount withdrawn during month 11: 12.12
Enter the amount deposited during month 12: 12.12
Enter the amount withdrawn during month 12: 12.12
Total deposited: $145.44
Total withdrawn: $145.44
Interest earned: $146.89
Ending balance: $159.01

你如果输入 1000, 0.12, 100, 0, 110, 10, 120, 20结果就不对了,你会发现Interest earned小数点后面是零,其实应该有是36.36好像是
System.out.println("Interest earned: $" + f1.format(acc.getLastInterest()));

Enter the account's starting balance: 110
Enter the savings account's annual interest rate: 10
How many months have passed since the account was opened? 0
Total deposited: $0.00
Total withdrawn: $0.00
Interest earned: $91.67
Ending balance: $201.67