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[分享]提供一个很好的网站..适合初学者 了解概念.

热度:246   发布时间:2007-04-07 09:32:56.0
[分享]提供一个很好的网站..适合初学者 了解概念.

The questions and answers here are my selective postings on JCHQJavaRanch, ChinaJavaWorld and others. After answering questions for a while, I realized that a lot of similar questions are being asked again and again. This is because different people are in their different preparation stages of their SCJP test, and new people are joining in every day.

The purpose is to let people in the future have a place to look for answers. People don't need to answer the same question again and again. I'm not intending to cover everything in SCJP test, go back to JCHQ for that purposes. In general, the FAQs here are harder, but not always.

Software reusability is extremely important. OO analysis, design, and programming are invented for this purposes. So does the component-based software. Design patterns are discovered for reusing other's design ideas. This page is created for reusing my own answers. Hopefully, this page will make your learning process a little easier.




[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-7 9:33:52编辑过]

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