当前位置: 代码迷 >> Java相关 >> [求助],随机数问题!!!


热度:418   发布时间:2004-08-12 13:29:00.0

int n=(int)(Math.random()*m) 如果m=1000000时,这时n 的范围为多大呀? 它可能产生 7 吗 ?


搜索更多相关的解决方案: 随机数  


There is a gerneral formular to do this, say if we want the interval between a and b(inclusive,b>a), then

int i = (int)(Math.random()*(b-a+1)+a);

more general, we have

int ranNum = (int)(Math.random()*(upperBound-lowerBound+1)+lowerBound);

in the example above, this range should be 0<= n < 1000000, another word 0<= n <= 999999




there is a class about random : java.util.Random

you can use it as this : Random rd = new Random();

rd.nextInt(int ceil);

then it will generate a value form 0 to ceil-1.(including 0 and ceil)

