当前位置: 代码迷 >> J2SE >> 运行中的Class有关问题


热度:199   发布时间:2016-04-24 15:28:42.0
  *   Copyright   (c)   2000   David   Flanagan.     All   rights   reserved.
      *   This   code   is   from   the   book   Java   Examples   in   a   Nutshell,   2nd   Edition.
      *   It   is   provided   AS-IS,   WITHOUT   ANY   WARRANTY   either   expressed   or   implied.
      *   You   may   study,   use,   and   modify   it   for   any   non-commercial   purpose.
      *   You   may   distribute   it   non-commercially   as   long   as   you   retain   this   notice.
      *   For   a   commercial   use   license,   or   to   purchase   the   book   (recommended),
      *   visit   http://www.davidflanagan.com/javaexamples2.
package   com.davidflanagan.examples.applet;

import   java.applet.*;                   //   Don 't   forget   this   import   statement!
import   java.awt.*;                        
                                                          //   Or   this   one   for   the   graphics!

import   java.util.Date;                 //   To   obtain   the   current   time
import   java.text.DateFormat;    
                                                          //   For   displaying   the   time

  *   This   applet   displays   the   time,   and   updates   it   every   second  

public   class   Clock   extends   Applet   implements   Runnable   {
    Label   time;                               //   A   component   to   display   the   time   in
    DateFormat   timeFormat;         //   This   object   converts   the   time   to   a   string
    Thread   timer;                           //   The   thread   that   updates   the   time
    volatile   boolean   running;   //   A   flag   used   to   stop   the   thread

                                                                                                                                      *   The   init   method   is   called   when   the   browser   first   starts   the   applet.