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热度:236   发布时间:2016-04-24 15:25:35.0
这是Accelerated   C++第四章median.cpp的源代码

//   source   file   for   the   `median '   function
#include   <algorithm>         //   to   get   the   declaration   of   `sort '
#include   <stdexcept>         //   to   get   the   declaration   of   `domain_error '
#include   <vector>               //   to   get   the   declaration   of   `vector '

using   std::domain_error;       using   std::sort;       using   std::vector;

#include   "median.h "

//   compute   the   median   of   a   `vector <double> '
//   note   that   calling   this   function   copies   the   entire   argument   `vector '
double   median(vector <double>   vec)
#ifdef   _MSC_VER
typedef   std::vector <double> ::size_type   vec_sz;
typedef   vector <double> ::size_type   vec_sz;

vec_sz   size   =   vec.size();
if   (size   ==   0)
throw   domain_error( "median   of   an   empty   vector ");

sort(vec.begin(),   vec.end());

vec_sz   mid   =   size/2;

return   size   %   2   ==   0   ?   (vec[mid]   +   vec[mid-1])   /   2   :   vec[mid];


#ifdef   _MSC_VER
typedef   std::vector <double> ::size_type   vec_sz;
typedef   vector <double> ::size_type   vec_sz;

#ifdef 是预编译宏,在编译期就存在。
