当前位置: 代码迷 >> J2SE >> 输出格式对齐有关问题


热度:44   发布时间:2016-04-24 15:02:02.0

import   javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public   class   Two   {

public   static   void   main(String   arg[]){
//prompt   the   user   to   enter   the   information
String   loanString   =   JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
"Please   enter   loan   amount   \nFor   example   10000.2: ", "Input ",JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);//get   the   loan   amount

int   loan   =   Integer.parseInt(loanString);//   change   the   loan   form   string   to   int

String   yearString   =   JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
"Please   enter   the   number   of   years   as   an   integer   \nFor   example   2: ", "Input ",JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);//get   the   year

int   year   =   Integer.parseInt(yearString);//   change   the   year   form   string   to   int

String   rateString   =   JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
"Please   enter   the   yearly   rate   \nFor   example   3.4 ", "Input ",JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);//get   the   yearly   rate

double   rate   =   Double.parseDouble(rateString);//   change   the   rate   form   string   to   double

//calcuate   monthlyrate,monthlypayment
double   monthlyrate   =   (rate/1200);

double   monthlypayment   =   (loan*monthlyrate   /   (1-(1/Math.pow((1+monthlyrate),   year*12))));

double   totalpayment   =   monthlypayment*year*12;

//declare   variables
double   principal   =   monthlypayment;
double   interest   =0;
double   balance   =   loan;

//format   to   keep   two   digits   after   the   decimal   point
monthlypayment   =   (int)(monthlypayment*100)   /   100.0;
totalpayment   =   Math.round(totalpayment*100)   /   100.0;

String   outputnumber=   " ";

String   output= "Loan   Amount:   "+loan+ "\nNumber   of   Year:   "+year+ "\nAnnual   interest   rate:   "
+(int)rate+ "% "+ "\nMonthly   Payment:   "+monthlypayment+ "\nTotal   Payment:   "+totalpayment
+ "\nPayment# "+ "           "+ "interest "+ "           "+ "Principal "+ "           "+ "Balance ";

/*calculate   the   interest,principal   and   balance
and   put   them   into   output*/
for   (int   i=1;   i <=year;i++){
for(int   j=1;j <=12;j++){

interest   =   balance   *   monthlyrate;
interest   =   (int)(interest*100)   /   100.0;
principal   =   monthlypayment   -   interest;
balance   =   balance   -   principal;
principal   =   (int)(principal*100)   /   100.0;
balance   =   (int)(balance*100)   /   100.0;