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生手提问 java读取txt区分

热度:16   发布时间:2016-04-24 12:23:04.0
新手提问 java读取txt区分
Analyze the following code:
public class Test {
private int t;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int x;
The variable t is not initialized and therefore causes errors
The variable t is private and therefore cannot be accessed in the main method
t is non-static and it cannot be referenced in a static context in the main method.
The variable x is not initialized and therefore causes errors.
The program compiles and runs fine.

What is Java (in regard to Computer Science) ?
A type of coffee 
An object-oriented programming language 
An interactive website 
none of above

Java runs on _______.
All of the Above

What is the main function of any variable ?
To add numbers together  
To keep track of data in the memory of the computer  
To print words on the screen  
To write Java  

The following statements make length be what number ?
int length;
length = 4;
length ++;


import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

class QuestionLibrary{
private String Question;
private String Answer;
public QuestionLibrary(String _Question,String _Answer){
public QuestionLibrary(){};
public class read{
private List<QuestionLibrary> list = new ArrayList<QuestionLibrary>();
public void readfile(){
  File f=new File("Mchoice.txt"); 
  BufferedReader bufRead=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f)));
  String str; 
  while((str = bufRead.readLine())!= null){
String[] data=new String[100];

QuestionLibrary q = new QuestionLibrary(data[0].trim(),data[1].trim());
  catch (IOException e) {
  System.out.println("Error reading file");

public static void main(String args[])
{ read X=new read();


这是代码~~我怎么区分answer 和 question并存到class里

Java code
import java.io.*;import java.util.*;import java.util.List;class QuestionLibrary {    private static int counter = 1;    public final int id = counter++;// 给每一道question一个唯一的id    private String question;    private List<String> choices;// 每一个问题里都对应有若干个choice,那么把这些choice也存起来吧;    private String answer;    QuestionLibrary(String question, List<String> choices, String answer) {    super();    this.question = question;    this.choices = choices;    this.answer = answer;    }    public String getQuestion() {// 你是用private来修饰question的,那么别的类就只能通过此方法来获取question了    return question;    }    public void setQuestion(String question) {    this.question = question;    }    public List<String> getChoices() {    return choices;    }    public void setChoices(List<String> choices) {    this.choices = choices;    }    public String getAnswer() {    return answer;    }    public void setAnswer(String answer) {    this.answer = answer;    }}public class ReadTxtToClass {     List<QuestionLibrary> list = new ArrayList<QuestionLibrary>();// 保存所有question     BufferedReader br = null;     String line = null;     StringBuffer question = null;     List<String> choice = null;     StringBuffer answer = null;     public void fileToLibrary() throws Exception {    list = new ArrayList<QuestionLibrary>();    br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("test.txt"));    question = new StringBuffer();    choice = new ArrayList<String>();    answer = new StringBuffer();    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {//消除文件开头的空行,直到<question>       while(line.trim().equals("<question>")) {//将文件指针移到题目开头,//从<question>下一行开始处理,在下一个<question>或者文件尾结束处理        while (!(line = br.readLine().trim()).equals("<choice>"))            //读取<choice>前的信息            question.append(line + "\n");        while (!(line = br.readLine().trim()).equals("<answer>"))            //读取<answer>前的信息            choice.add(new String(line));        //每一个替有多个选项,每个question的每一个选项之间必须有明显的界限,但文件中没有给出(某些选项是以“.”号结束,但有些没有)        //这里我假定每一行就是一个选项        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {            if (!(line = line.trim()).equals("<question>"))// 如果还未到文件尾,读取下一个<question>前的信息            answer.append(line + "\n");            else break;        }        QuestionLibrary q = new QuestionLibrary(new String(question),            new ArrayList(choice), new String(answer));        list.add(q);                question.delete(0, question.length());//把里面的内容清空,以便存放下一道题        choice.removeAll(choice);        answer.delete(0, answer.length());                if(line == null) break;//如果已经到了文件尾        }       if(line == null) break;//如果已经到了文件尾    }    }    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {    ReadTxtToClass rttc = new ReadTxtToClass();    rttc.fileToLibrary();//将文件信息转换为试题库        List list = rttc.list;//准备查看表中的信息    for(int i=0; i< list.size(); i++) {        System.out.println("---------问题" + (i+1)+"\n" +((QuestionLibrary)list.get(i)).getQuestion());        System.out.println("---------问题" + (i+1)+"的选项");                for(String temp : ((QuestionLibrary)list.get(i)).getChoices())        System.out.println(temp);        System.out.println("---------问题" + (i+1)+"的答案\n" +((QuestionLibrary)list.get(i)).getAnswer());        }    }}/*output: ---------问题1Analyze the following code:public class Test {private int t;public static void main(String[] args) {int x;System.out.println(t);}}---------问题1的选项The variable t is not initialized and therefore causes errorsThe variable t is private and therefore cannot be accessed in the main methodt is non-static and it cannot be referenced in a static context in the main method.The variable x is not initialized and therefore causes errors.The program compiles and runs fine.---------问题1的答案3---------问题2What is Java (in regard to Computer Science) ?---------问题2的选项A type of coffeeAn object-oriented programming languageAn interactive websitenone of above---------问题2的答案2---------问题3Java runs on _______.---------问题3的选项WindowsUnix/LinuxMacAll of the Above---------问题3的答案4---------问题4What is the main function of any variable ?---------问题4的选项To add numbers togetherTo keep track of data in the memory of the computerTo print words on the screenTo write Java---------问题4的答案2---------问题5The following statements make length be what number ?int length;length = 4;length ++;---------问题5的选项4568---------问题5的答案5   */