当前位置: 代码迷 >> J2ME >> 运行出错?解决方案


热度:6113   发布时间:2013-02-25 21:37:04.0
Running   with   storage   root   DefaultColorPhone
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:   client
at   com.sun.midp.midlet.MIDletState.createMIDlet(+14)
at   com.sun.midp.midlet.Scheduler.schedule(+52)
at   com.sun.midp.main.Main.runLocalClass(+28)
at   com.sun.midp.main.Main.main(+116)
Execution   completed.
698629   bytecodes   executed
2   thread   switches
740   classes   in   the   system   (including   system   classes)
3554   dynamic   objects   allocated   (96460   bytes)
1   garbage   collections   (0   bytes   collected)

Running with storage root DefaultColorPhone
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: client
client 是 Client?
用System.out.println( " ")先把出问题的代码位置找出来.然后分析代码.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: client

没找到client这个类阿 你看是不是写错了