当前位置: 代码迷 >> J2EE >> 关于servlet之间通讯有点有关问题不明白


热度:174   发布时间:2016-04-22 02:39:19.0

Note that in Java the identity of a class is not only defined by the class name but also by the ClassLoader by which it was loaded. Web servers usually load each Servlet with a different class loader. This is necessary to reload Servlets on the fly because single classes cannot be replaced in the running JVM. Only a ClassLoader object with all loaded classes can be replaced.

This means that classes which are loaded by a Servlet class loader cannot be used for inter-Servlet communication. A class literal FooServlet (as used in a type cast like "FooServlet foo = (FooServlet)context.getServlet("FooServlet")") which is used in class BarServlet is different from the class literal FooServlet as used in FooServlet itself.

