当前位置: 代码迷 >> Iphone >> 向IPhone终端发送push讯息-续


热度:326   发布时间:2016-04-25 06:22:38.0





public static boolean logic(String deviceToken, String message)			throws Exception {		boolean result = false;		if (deviceToken == null || "".equals(deviceToken)) {			logger.info("IPhone终端令牌号为空值,PUSH失败!");			System.out.println("IPhone终端令牌号为空值,PUSH失败!");			return false;		}		PushNotificationManager pushManager = null;		try {			PayLoad payLoad = new PayLoad();						PayLoadCustomAlert alert = new PayLoadCustomAlert();						List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();			list.add("Jenna");			list.add("Frank");//			alert.addLocKey("%@ and %@ have invited you to play Monopoly");			alert.addLocKey("%2$@ and %1$@ have invited you to play Monopoly");			alert.addLocArgs(list);			alert.addActionLocKey("PLAY");						payLoad.addCustomAlert(alert);									payLoad.addBadge(1);// IPhone上显示的信息条数,默认为1			payLoad.addSound("default");// 铃音						pushManager = PushNotificationManager.getInstance();			pushManager.addDevice("iPhone", "****");						String certificatePassword = "****";			String host = "gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com";			String port = "2195";			String certificationPath = "c:/push_p.p12";									pushManager.initializeConnection(host, Integer.parseInt(port),					certificationPath, certificatePassword,					SSLConnectionHelper.KEYSTORE_TYPE_PKCS12);						// 发送PUSH消息			Device client = pushManager.getDevice("iPhone");			pushManager.sendNotification(client, payLoad);						result = true;					} catch (Exception e) {					e.printStackTrace();		} finally {			if (pushManager != null) {				pushManager.stopConnection();				pushManager.removeDevice("iPhone");			}		}		return result;	}

