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WAS 测试结果分析解决办法

热度:284   发布时间:2012-03-06 20:47:55.0
WAS 测试结果分析

Page Results
URI: GET /busi/queryKeyword.TJ?method=queryFirst&queryType=1&keyword=%E5%8D%8E%E4%B8%BA
Hit Count: 1590

Result Codes
Code Description Count  
200 OK 1590  

Time to first byte (in milliseconds)
Average: 1272.16
Min: 65.55
25th Percentile: 374.82
50th Percentile: 728.09
75th Percentile: 1268.72
Max: 23444.12

Time to last byte (in milliseconds)
Average: 8304.57
Min: 190.63
25th Percentile: 2135.83
50th Percentile: 5047.42
75th Percentile: 11781.03
Max: 55505.03

Downloaded Content Length (in bytes)
Min: 31791
25th Percentile: 31791
50th Percentile: 31791
75th Percentile: 31791
Max: 31791

Socket Statistics
Socket connects: 1827
Total Bytes Sent (in KB): 601.84
Bytes Sent Rate (in KB/s): 10.03
Total Bytes Recv (in KB): 56322.94
Bytes Recv Rate (in KB/s): 938.57

Socket Errors
Connect: 5
Send: 0
Recv: 0
Timeouts: 0

Successful Authentications: 0

Successful RDS Queries: 0

以上是我用 web application stress tool 做的测试结果,但我不明白

-----Time to first byte (in milliseconds)
----Time to last byte (in milliseconds)
以上两个结果的具体意义。 请教高手,帮忙分析一下每一项代表什么?谢谢。

