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Eclipse ADT插件在ubuntu从10.04升级到10.10后失效的有关问题解决

热度:82   发布时间:2016-04-23 12:52:30.0
Eclipse ADT插件在ubuntu从10.04升级到10.10后失效的问题解决

国际友人就是强啊,我折腾了好几天也没把我的ADT给搞回来.但是下面国际友人的做法感觉有点杀鸡取卵的感觉,他把整个eclipse的插件包都删了(会留下一些后遗症,我遇到的就是每次添加插件,就会提示一个transfer exception,但目前不影响插件安装),,建议读者试下只删除ADT插件中的包,然后重新安装ADT

Recently, after upgrading my Ubuntu to 10.10 from 10.04, I found that my Eclipse Android Development Toolkit plugin stopped working. The Eclipse Help->Installation Details Menu would list ADT under Installed Software Tab. However, neither the Features Tab nor the Plug-ins Tab would list ADT. I noticed that my SVN plugin was not showing up after the upgrade too. Forums such as http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=8613858 were not useful either -- they suggested uninstalling Eclipse which came with Ubuntu 10.10 distribution and replacing it with stock Eclipse from eclipse.org website. I solved this without reinstalling eclipse although, plugins need to reinstalled.

An inotifywatch -r on the ~/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.5.0_155965261/plugins directory, and subsequently starting eclipse revealed that eclipse was not even trying to read any plugins from that directory. Apparently something in Ubuntu 10.10 build of Eclipse has changed which causes it ignore the previously installed plugins. So I moved out my old ~/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.5.0_155965261/ directory to /tmp. Restarted my Eclipse and reinstalled my ADT and other plugins. Here are the steps:

1.Exit eclipse if running
2.Delete ~/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.5.0_155965261
3.Start eclipse
4.Open Help->Install New Software
5.Install GEF plugin from http://download.eclipse.org/tools/gef/updates/releases. Note that GEF is required for ADT
6.Install ADT plugin from https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse

You should have a working ADT in Eclipse on an upgraded Ubuntu 10.10.
