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小弟我是猎头,寻.NET和微软相关技术Software Engieer\Pre-sales

热度:284   发布时间:2016-05-04 22:18:07.0
我是猎头,急寻.NET和微软相关技术Software Engieer\Pre-sales
I 'm   Tony   from   TalentPower,   as   a   headhunter   looking   for   talens   and   their   career   development.

We   get   a   urgent   case   which   was   required   from   a   top   sw   company(fortune   500),   they   want   to   look   for   some   sw   engineer   or   pre-sales   who   has   at   least   2   years   experience   on   .NET   framwork\c#\Windows   Server\Office   Client   develop\SQL   sevrver   or   other   related   technology.

With   whom   has   interesting   in   it,   can   contact   me   by   my   mail   "[email protected] ".

You   can   visit   "www.talentpower.com.cn "   for   our   complete   company   details.

I   need   you-talents   to   help   me,   and   I   hope   I   will   help   your   career   development   too.
