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制造FrameWork gcc使用FrameWork

热度:96   发布时间:2016-05-02 00:26:45.0
制作FrameWork gcc使用FrameWork


? ? Start new software project for Mac OSX?

? ? New Project->Framework & Library | Cocoa Framework

? ? Save name->teste

? ? Other Sources ->right mouse ->Add->New File...

? ? New File ->Mac OSX C and C++ ->C File

? ? main.c

? ? Change arch ->Release|i386

? ? add code to main.c


? ? int qvbmax(int a,int b)

? ? {

? ? ? ? ?if(a>b) return a;

? ? ? ? ?else return b;

? ? }

? ? save?

? ? Build->Build Results->Build

? ? ...Build Succeeded?

? ? teste project directory?

? ? ->build

? ? ? --Release

? ? ? ? ?--teste.framework

? ? ? ? ? ?copy this package to /Library/Frameworks/

? ? close xcode


? ? vi testeok.c

? ? #include <stdio.h>

? ? int main(int argc,char *argv[])

? ? {

? ? int a,b,c;

? ? a=90;

? ? b=40;

? ? c=qvbmax(a,b);

? ? printf("\nc=%d\n",c);

? ? }


? ? save ...


? ? gcc testeok.c -o testeok -framework teste


? ? ./testeok


? ? c=90


? ? job gook ok!



