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请大家帮小弟我看下这2段英语是什么意思 非常非常感谢

热度:1286   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
请大家帮我看下这2段英语是什么意思 非常非常感谢
?While filenames are generally case-insensitive on Windows, URLs are still treated internally as case-sensitive before they are mapped to the filesystem. For example, the <Location>, Alias, and ProxyPass directives all use case-sensitive arguments. For this reason, it is particularly important to use the <Directory> directive when attempting to limit access to content in the filesystem, since this directive applies to any content in a directory, regardless of how it is accessed. If you wish to assure that only lowercase is used in URLs, you can use something like:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteMap lowercase int:tolower
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} [A-Z]
RewriteRule (.*) ${lowercase:$1} [R,L] 

?When running, Apache needs write access only to the logs directory and any configured cache directory tree. Due to the issue of case insensitive and short 8.3 format names, Apache must validate all path names given. This means that each directory which Apache evaluates, from the drive root up to the directory leaf, must have read, list and traverse directory permissions. If Apache2.2 is installed at C:\Program Files, then the root directory, Program Files and Apache2.2 must all be visible to Apache.

这是来自Apache官网的内容 本来官网是有人已经翻译过了的 ,但是后来Apache出了新的版本后又更新了网站就没人翻译了。

RewriteEngine On
RewriteMap lowercase int:tolower
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} [A-Z]
RewriteRule (.*) ${lowercase:$1} [R,L]
当运行的时候,Apache只需要对日志目录以及任何配置好的缓存目录树拥有写访问的权限。由于不区分大小写以及采用8.3格式的文件名,Apache必须验证所有给定的路径名。这就意味着每个Apache验证的目录,从驱动器根目录到目录叶结点,Apache都必须对该目录拥有读取、列示以及遍历的权限。如果Apache 2.2安装在C:\Program Files目录下,那么C盘根目录、Program Files以及Apache 2.2目录都必须对Apache可见。