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My Jobs.解决方法

热度:3466   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
My Jobs.
I’m a software engineer and I have graduate from school for three years. After graduation I worked for two firms. At the first firm which is agency of control software product. The product for most of Software Company, user could use it implement them system the better effect. I was responsible for the product technical supports which provide pre-sales and after-sales to customers. I also have responsible for research and development the enterprise information system. So, I could improve my communication skill and need to know more new control of software technique. But I didn’t like it which doesn’t have any training about our new product; I just self-research new product without product document. So I have some pressure in that. But, that doesn’t matter for me. However, I always don’t have anything to work for long time. This is one of reason why was I quit the job.
So I got another job, the firm which the core business is B2B (Business to business) e-commerce platform for supply chain, it contain enterprise electronic data interchange. In the firm, my responsible also is after-sale service technical support and our software product`s consultant. I also have responsible for implement product to user. I need give help to our other collogues and customers about our software product and resolve problem which happen it in the software product. Our software product which is contact two company system that can let users use it send a purchase order or other business message to them supply in the them information system. And, the companies which use our product always are major company or foreign company. So, I need to communicate with some clients in English. So, that can improve my English as well. And the company technology also is advanced that I could learn it form our company. So I like it which can use English and which I can learn more advanced technology form.
Cause of my experience my future goals one of thing is that I want to be in B2B business for my career. And use English very well as work. Perhaps after that my salary could double or more than present salary.
