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热度:9962   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
The data types in the RAM model are integer and floating point. Although we typically do not concern ourselves with precision in this book, in some applications precision is crucial. We also assume a limit on the size of each word of data. For example, when working with inputs of size n, we typically assume that integers are represented by c lg n bits for some constant c ≥ 1. We require c ≥ 1 so that each word can hold the value of n, enabling us to index the individual input elements, and we restrict c to be a constant so that the word size does not grow arbitrarily. (If the word size could grow arbitrarily, we could store huge amounts of data in one word and operate on it all in constant time-clearly an unrealistic scenario.)

The data types in the RAM model are integer and floating point.
Although we typically do not concern ourselves with precision in this book, in some applications precision is crucial.
We also assume a limit on the size of each word of data. 
我们通常会假定数据中每一个“字”(个人认为,word 在这里表示意思需要推敲,目前暂且认为是数据中的一个“数字”的意思)所占空间大小的限度。
For example, when working with inputs of size n, we typically assume that integers are represented by c lg n bits for some constant c ≥ 1. 
We require c ≥ 1 so that each word can hold the value of n, enabling us to index the individual input elements, and we restrict c to be a constant so that the word size does not grow arbitrarily. 
(If the word size could grow arbitrarily, we could store huge amounts of data in one word and operate on it all in constant time-clearly an unrealistic scenario.)
见《算法导论》 p.22 第二段