当前位置: 代码迷 >> C语言 >> 统计各种类型字符的个数


热度:408   发布时间:2008-06-16 13:37:07.0
搜索更多相关的解决方案: 字符  类型  统计  



[[it] 本帖最后由 flyue 于 2008-6-16 18:10 编辑 [/it]]
[quote][bo][un]flyue[/un] 在 2008-6-16 14:20 的发言:[/bo]


我的 代码着色器 就是按我4#那样做的,个人感觉效果不错:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#define null 0

struct node/* The struct for the information of a student. */
    int num;
    char name[8];
    float score;
    struct node *next;
typedef struct node node;

node *findnum(node *head, int snum) /* Finding the needed num from the database*/
    node *t;
    t = head->next;
    while(t&&(t->num != snum))
        t = t->next;
    return t;

node *findname(node *head, char s[]) /* Finding the needed name from the database*/
    node *t;
    t = head->next;
    while(t&&strcmp(t->name, s))
        t = t->next;
    return t;

void findnumout(node *head, int snum)/*Find the record according to num and print it out*/
    node *t;
    int sign = 1;
    t = head->next;
        if(t->num == snum)
            printf("The student you want to find:  num:%d, name:%s, score:%f\n", t->num, t->name, t->score);
            sign = 0;
        t = t->next;
        puts("It is wrong!Not find!\n");

void findnameout(node *head, char s[])/*Find the record according to name and print it out*/
    node *t;int sign = 1;
    t = head->next;
    puts("\nNow it is finding:");
        if(!strcmp(t->name, s))
            printf("The student you want to find:  num:%d, name:%s, score:%f\n", t->num, t->name, t->score);
            sign = 0;
        t = t->next;
        puts("It is wrong!Not find!\n");

node *findp(node *head, node *sp)
    node *t;
    t = head;
    while(t&&t->next != sp)
        t = t->next;
    return t;

node *creatnode()   /* Creating a database .It is a linked-list with a header */
    node *head, *t, *p;char c;/* When the "name" received comes to "0", the creation is over.*/
    head = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
    head->next = null;
    t = head;
    p = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
    p->next = null;
    puts("Input the num:");
    scanf("%d", &p->num);
    puts("Input the name:(within 8 words)");
    scanf("%s", p->name);c = getchar();
    puts("Input the score:");
    scanf("%f", &p->score);
    while(p->name[0] != '0')/*The "name" equal to "0" stands for the creation-finished sign.*/
        t->next = p;p->next = null;
        t = t->next;
        p = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
        puts("Input the num:");
        scanf("%d", &p->num);
        puts("Input the name:(within 8 words)");
        scanf("%s", p->name);c = getchar();
        puts("Input the score:");
        scanf("%f", &p->score);
    return head;

void insert(node *head, int snum)/* Inserting a record into the database. */
    node *p, *t;char c; /* The function inserts the record into the database according to "num". */
    p = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
    p->next = null;
    t = findnum(head, snum); /* Find the record whose "num" equals to "snum".*/
    puts("Input the num:");
    scanf("%d", &p->num);
    puts("Input the name:(within 8 words)");
    scanf("%s", p->name);c = getchar();
    puts("Input the score:");
    scanf("%f", &p->score);
        if(t->next != null)
            p->next = t->next;t->next = p;
            t->next = p;
    else puts("\nIt is wrong!\n");

void deletenode(node *head, int snum)/* Deleting a record from the database. */
    node *t;                      /*The function deletes the record according to "num". */
    t = head;
    while(t->next&&(t->next->num != snum))/*Find the previous record of the "snum"-record */
        t = t->next;
        t->next = t->next->next;
    else puts("\nIt is wrong!\n");

void print(node *head)     /* Printing all the records. */
    node *t;t = head->next;
        printf("The num:%d, name:%s, score:%f\n", t->num, t->name, t->score);t = t->next;

void sortnum(node *head)/*Sort all the nodes using the algorithm of bubble*/
    node *a, *b;int sign;   /*According to the nums */
        a = head->next;
        b = a->next;
        sign = 1;
                findp(head, a)->next = b;a->next = b->next;b->next = a;b = a->next;sign = 0;
            else {
                a = b;b = b->next;

void sortscore(node *head)/*Sort all the nodes using the algorithm of bubble*/
    node *a, *b;int sign;     /*According to the score */
        a = head->next;
        b = a->next;
        sign = 1;
                findp(head, a)->next = b;a->next = b->next;b->next = a;b = a->next;sign = 0;
            else {
                a = b;b = b->next;

void main()
    node *head;
    head = creatnode();
    puts("\nPrevious database is:\n");
    insert(head, 12);/*Insert a record after the node whose num is 12*/
    printf("After the action of inserting, the database is:\n");
    deletenode(head, 11);/*Delete the record whose num is 11 */
    puts("\nHaving been deleted, the database now is:\n");
    puts("\nTake the action of Sorting according to the num:\n");
    puts("\nTake the action of Sorting according to score:\n");
    findnumout(head, 12);/*Check out the student whose num is 12. */
    findnameout(head, "huhl");/*Check out the student whose name is huhl */
