当前位置: 代码迷 >> C语言 >> 刚开始学C的数据结构,有个关于递归的算法想问一下


热度:302   发布时间:2007-07-15 14:32:37.0


这个问题取自(Mark Allen Weiss)所著的《Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C 》


Algorithm 3

In our case, the maximum subsequence sum can be in one of three places. Either it occurs entirely in the left half of the input, or entirely in the right half, or it crosses the middle and is in both halves. The first two cases can be solved recursively. The last case can be obtained by finding the largest sum in the first half that includes the last element in the first half and the largest sum in the second half that includes the first element in the second half. These two sums can then be added together. As an example, consider the following input:

First Half Second Half


4 -3 5 -2 -1 2 6 -2

The maximum subsequence sum for the first half is 6 (elements a1 through a3), and for the second half is 8 (elements a6 through a7).

The maximum sum in the first half that includes the last element in the first half is 4 (elements a1 through a4), and the maximum sum in the second half that includes the first element in the second half is 7 (elements a5 though a7). Thus, the maximum sum that spans both halves and goes through the middle is 4 + 7 = 11 (elements a1 through a7).

We see, then, that among the three ways to form a large maximum subsequence, for our example, the best way is to include elements from both halves. Thus, the answer is 11. Figure 2.7 shows an implementation of this strategy.


max_sub_sequence_sum( int a[], unsigned int n )


return max_sub_sum( a, 0, n-1 );



max_sub_sum( int a[], int left, int right )


int max_left_sum, max_right_sum;

int max_left_border_sum, max_right_border_sum;

int left_border_sum, right_border_sum;

int center, i;

/*1*/ if ( left == right ) /* Base Case */

/*2*/ if( a[align=left] > 0 )

/*3*/ return a[align=left];


/*4*/ return 0;

/*5*/ center = (left + right )/2;

/*6*/ max_left_sum = max_sub_sum( a, left, center );

/*7*/ max_right_sum = max_sub_sum( a, center+1, right );

/*8*/ max_left_border_sum = 0; left_border_sum = 0;

/*9*/ for( i=center; i>=left; i-- )


/*10*/ left_border_sum += a[i];

/*11*/ if( left_border_sum > max_left_border_sum )

/*12*/ max_left_border_sum = left_border_sum;


/*13*/ max_right_border_sum = 0; right_border_sum = 0;

/*14*/ for( i=center+1; i<=right; i++ )


/*15*/ right_border_sum += a[i];

/*16*/ if( right_border_sum > max_right_border_sum )

/*17*/ max_right_border_sum = right_border_sum;


/*18*/ return max3( max_left_sum, max_right_sum,

max_left_border_sum + max_right_border_sum );


搜索更多相关的解决方案: 数据结构  递归  算法  
