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[讨论] 折磨我N久的一道貌似很简单的一道题!不要小看哦!

热度:247   发布时间:2007-04-17 10:02:24.0
[讨论] 折磨我N久的一道貌似很简单的一道题!不要小看哦!

使用rand生成两个正的一位整数,显示如下问题:How much is 6 times 7?
Very good!
Nice work!
Keep up the good work!
NO.Please try again.
Wrong.Try once more.
Don't give up!
NO.Keep trying.
计算出输入的正确答案的百分比,若百分比低于75%,程序输出“Please ask your instructor for extra help”,


把你写 的程序发出来看有什么问题.....


#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(){
int result,x1,x2;
int temp;
double right,total;
char choose;
right = 0;
total = 0;
x1 = rand()%10;
x2 = rand()%10;

cout << "How much is "<< x1 <<" times " << x2 <<" ?"<<endl;
cin >> result;
total ++;
temp = rand()%4;
if(result == x1*x2){
right ++;
switch (temp){
case 0: cout<<"Very good!"<<endl;break;
case 1: cout<<"Excellent!"<<endl;break;
case 2: cout<<"Nice work!"<<endl;break;
case 3: cout<<"Keep up the good work!"<<endl;break;
switch (temp){
case 0: cout<<"NO.Please try again."<<endl;break;
case 1: cout<<"Wrong.Try once more."<<endl;break;
case 2: cout<<"Don't give up!"<<endl;break;
case 3: cout<<"NO.Keep trying."<<endl;break;

_2: cout<<"please choose: 1.continue 2.exit "<< endl;
cin >> choose;
case '1': goto _1;
case '2': cout <<"your right rate is :"<<100*right/total<<"% ."<<endl;
if((right/total) < 0.75)
cout <<"Please ask your instructor for extra help!"<<endl;
return 0;
default: cout << "bad input! put in again!" <<endl;
goto _2;
流程就是这样了 不过要C的话 把cin cout换成 scanf 和 printf就可以了
