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热度:160   发布时间:2007-04-09 20:16:07.0
char *NewName;
for (i = 0; i<5; i++)
char tempname[] = "XXXXXX" ;

NewName = mktemp(tempname);
fp = fopen(NewName,"w");
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语  法:mktemp [-qu][文件名参数]
补充说明:mktemp可建立一个暂存文件,供shell script使用。
参  数:
-q  执行时若发生错误,不会显示任何信息。
-u  暂存文件会在mktemp结束前先行删除。
[文件名参数]  文件名参数必须是以"自订名称.XXXXXX"的格式。


NAME mktemp - make temporary file name (unique)

SYNOPSIS mktemp [-d] [-q] [-u] template

DESCRIPTION The mktemp utility takes the given file name template and overwrites a portion of it to create a file name. This file name is unique and suit? able for use by the application. The template may be any file name with some number of `Xs appended to it, for example /tmp/temp.XXXX. The trailing `Xs are replaced with the current process number and/or a unique letter combination. The number of unique file names mktemp can return depends on the number of `Xs provided; six `Xs will result in mktemp testing roughly 26 ** 6 combinations.

If mktemp can successfully generate a unique file name, the file is cre? ated with mode 0600 (unless the -u flag is given) and the filename is printed to standard output.

OPTIONS The available options are as follows:

-d Make a directory instead of a file.

-q Fail silently if an error occurs. This is useful if a script does not want error output to go to standard error.

-u Operate in ``unsafe' mode. The temp file will be unlinked be? fore mktemp exits. This is slightly better than mktemp(3) but still introduces a race condition. Use of this option is not en? couraged.

RETURN VALUES The mktemp utility exits with a value of 0 on success, and 1 on failure.

EXAMPLES The following sh(1) fragment illustrates a simple use of mktemp where the script should quit if it cannot get a safe temporary file.

TMPFILE=`mktemp /tmp/.XXXXXX` || exit 1 echo "program output" >> $TMPFILE

In this case, we want the script to catch the error itself.

TMPFILE=`mktemp -q /tmp/.XXXXXX` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo ": Cant create temp file, exiting..." exit 1 fi

Note that one can also check to see that $TMPFILE is zero length instead of checking $?. This would allow the check to be done later one in the script (since $? would get clobbered by the next shell command).

SEE ALSO mkstemp(3), mktemp(3)

HISTORY The mktemp utility appeared in OpenBSD.

BSD Experimental November, 20, 1996 1

Retrieved from "http://wiki.chinaunix.net/index.php/Mktemp"


