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热度:389   发布时间:2005-10-09 13:07:00.0

Title: Software Designer Total: 40-50

Our Client is the leading MultiNational Corporation for Continuing its tradition of innovation by technology transfer, localization, research and development. It provides secure solutions, comprehensive equipments and professional service to her customers, becoming the key hub for research, manufacturing and customer service all over the world,developing overseas technical service market besides of serving the national market.

公司环境 Environment * 雄厚的技术支援和先进的技术交流平台,拥有最新的技术; - Strong technical support and exchange platform, advanced technology; * 先进的管理体制和一流的工作环境; - Excellent management system and first-class work environment; * 有竞争力的薪酬福利,以人为本的个人保障体系和充足的有薪年假; - Competitive market compensation and benefits, with considerate personal insurance system and annual leave; * 良好的培训支持与个人发展计划. - Training and support for personal career development.

Location: Guangzhou

Report t Project Manager


* Software design in either of DMS, GSM, CDMA, UMTS & Succession projects.

Requirements: * Bachelor degree in Computer Science or related degrees; * Minimum 1-2 years software design experiences in telecommunications industry; * Solid knowledge of UNIX, PASCAL, C/C++ or related programming language is a must; * Knowledge of TCP/IP, CCS7 protocol is an asset; * Fluent English is preferable.

Salary: Attractive

Contact:Laurel Wang Telephone: +86 20 8753 7160(Direct) E-mail: laurel.wang@mentorjob.com MSN:laurel.wang@hotmail.com  
