当前位置: 代码迷 >> C# >> 【EmguCV】C#实现HOG与SVM的几个小问题


热度:39   发布时间:2016-05-05 03:32:30.0




//继承自CvSVM的类,因为生成setSVMDetector()中用到的检测子参数时,需要用到训练好的SVM的decision_func参数,  //但通过查看CvSVM源码可知decision_func参数是protected类型变量,无法直接访问到,只能继承之后通过函数访问  class MySVM : public CvSVM  {  public:      //获得SVM的决策函数中的alpha数组      double * get_alpha_vector()      {          return this->decision_func->alpha;      }        //获得SVM的决策函数中的rho参数,即偏移量      float get_rho()      {          return this->decision_func->rho;      }  };

见C++实例:训练SVM分类器进行HOG行人检测 http://blog.csdn.net/pb09013037/article/details/41256945




SVM svm = new SVM();bool trained = svm.Train(my_train.sampleFeatureMat, my_train.sampleLabelMat, null, null, p);svm.Save(@"../HOG_SVM.xml");



using System;using System.Text;using System.Xml;using System.IO;namespace HOG_SVM{    class GetData    {        public double[] alpha;        public double rho;        XmlDocument doc;                StreamReader sr;        int sv_count;        string alpha_str;        public GetData()        {            doc = new XmlDocument();            doc.Load(Form1.LOAD_PATH);            XmlNode nodes = doc.DocumentElement;            get_rho(nodes);            getAlpha_str(nodes);            getSv_count(nodes);            getAlpha();         }        public void get_rho(XmlNode nodes)        {            if (nodes.HasChildNodes)            {                foreach (XmlNode node in nodes.ChildNodes)                {                    if (nodes.Name == "rho")                    {                        rho = Double.Parse(nodes.InnerText);                        return;                    }                    get_rho(node);                }            }        }        public void getAlpha_str(XmlNode nodes)        {            if (nodes.HasChildNodes)            {                foreach (XmlNode node in nodes.ChildNodes)                {                    if (nodes.Name == "alpha")                    {                        //sr = new StreamReader(new Stream(nodes.InnerText));                        alpha_str = nodes.InnerText;                        return;                    }                    getAlpha_str(node);                }            }        }        public void getSv_count(XmlNode nodes)        {            if (nodes.HasChildNodes)            {                foreach (XmlNode node in nodes.ChildNodes)                {                    if (nodes.Name == "sv_count")                    {                        sv_count = int.Parse(nodes.InnerText);                        return;                    }                    getSv_count(node);                }            }        }                public void getAlpha()        {            byte[] array = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(alpha_str);            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(array);             //convert stream 2 string                  sr = new StreamReader(stream);            alpha = new double[sv_count];            sr.ReadLine();            int i = 0;            while (true)            {                string tmp = sr.ReadLine();                if (tmp == "")                    continue;                string[] tmp2 = tmp.Split(' ');                foreach (string ele in tmp2)                {                    if (ele != "")                    {                        alpha[i] = double.Parse(ele);                        i++;                    }                }                if (i == sv_count)                    break;            }        }            }}


c# 读取opencv 生成的svm训练好的xml分类器http://blog.csdn.net/yeyang911/article/details/12905153



关于提取参数,自定义HOG Detector的问题,后来在网上搜到了这种方式

Training custom SVM to use with HOGDescriptor in OpenCV:

I was struggling with the same problem. Searching forums I have found, that the detector cannot be trained using CvSVM (I don't know the reason). I used LIBSVM for training the the detector. Here is the code to extract the detector for HOGDescriptor.setSVMDetector( w): For data details see LIBSVM documentation/header. I did all the training in C++, filling the LIBSVM training data from CV to LIBSVM; the code below extracts the detector vector needed for cv::HOGDescriptor. The w parameter is std::vector<float> w   

const double * const *sv_coef = model.sv_coef;const svm_node * const *SV = model.SV;int l = model.l;model.label;const svm_node* p_tmp = SV[0];int len = 0;while( p_tmp->index != -1 ){    len++;    p_tmp++;}w.resize( len+1 );for( int i=0; i<l; i++){    double svcoef = sv_coef[0][i];    const svm_node* p = SV[i];    while( p->index != -1 )    {        w[p->index-1] += float(svcoef * p->value);        p++;    }}w[len] = float(-model.rho[0]);

来自: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15339657/training-custom-svm-to-use-with-hogdescriptor-in-opencv

该回答提到的 LIBSVM 库就是比较好的替代手段,应该可以直接获取到这两个中间量,而不用再去解析XML。




  • 前些天的【OpenCV】基于HOG与SVM的行人检测学习(原理小结):


  • training GPU HOGDescriptor for multi scale detection:
