当前位置: 代码迷 >> C# >> 利用嘱托实现异步调用


热度:191   发布时间:2016-04-28 08:20:57.0
  1. 同步调用示例(委托是一个类型安全的,面向对象的指针)
    using System;using System.Threading;namespace Demo{    public delegate int Operate(int x, int y);    public class DelegateAsync    {        static int Add(int a, int b)        {            Console.WriteLine ("Add() invoked on thread:{0}\n",                 Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode ());            Thread.Sleep (5000);            return a + b;        }        static void Main()        {            Console.WriteLine ("Main() invoked on thread:{0}",                Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode ());            //Add() call in Synchronouse mode            Operate op = new Operate (Add);            int answer = op (10, 20);            //after Add() executed, the folow goes on.            Console.Write("After Add() executed, result = {0}",answer);            Console.ReadKey ();        }    }}
    剖析代码的继承关系: 代理Operate经历了3次派生(绿色部分),实现了一个构造和3个虚拟函数(黄色部分).

  2. 异步调用方法:线程异步了,但是主线程等待次线程返回才能获得结果,阻塞在EndInvoke上.
    using System;using System.Threading;namespace Demo{    public delegate int Operate(int x, int y);    public class DelegateAsync    {        static int Add(int a, int b)        {            Console.WriteLine ("Add() invoked on thread:{0}\n",                 Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode ());            Thread.Sleep (5000);            return a + b;        }        static void Main()        {            Console.WriteLine ("Main() invoked on thread:{0}",                Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode ());            //Add() call in Synchronouse mode            Operate op = new Operate (Add);            IAsyncResult result = op.BeginInvoke(10,20,null,null);            Console.WriteLine ("Doing more in Main() exected immediately.");            //the thread susppend on EndInvoke while 'result' is ready!            int answer = op.EndInvoke (result);            Console.Write("After Add() executed, result = {0}",answer);            Console.ReadKey ();        }    }}

  3. 同步调用:如果线程没有返回,不要一直问何时返回,每间隔500ms做该做的事情!!!
    using System;using System.Threading;namespace Demo{    public delegate int Operate(int x, int y);    public class DelegateAsync    {        static int Add(int a, int b)        {            Console.WriteLine ("Add() invoked on thread:{0}\n",                 Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode ());            Thread.Sleep (5000);            return a + b;        }        static void Main()        {            Console.WriteLine ("Main() invoked on thread:{0}\n",                Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode ());            //Add() call in Synchronouse mode            Operate op = new Operate (Add);            IAsyncResult result = op.BeginInvoke(10,20,null,null);            //while result is not OK, do it every 500 ms.            while (!result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(500,true)) {//result.IsCompleted                Console.WriteLine ("Doing more work in Main().");            }            int answer = op.EndInvoke (result);            Console.Write("After Add() executed, result = {0}",answer);            Console.ReadKey ();        }    }}

  4. 线程回调: 好吧,干脆你返回的时候通知我,我该干啥不耽搁!
    using System;using System.Threading;/// <summary>/* Main() invoked on thread:1Main() execute no need to wait any more.Add() invoked on thread:3AddComplete() invoked on thread:3Your Addition is complete.*//// </summary>namespace Demo{    public delegate int Operate(int x, int y);    public class DelegateAsync    {        static int Add(int a, int b)        {            Console.WriteLine ("Add() invoked on thread:{0}",                 Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode ());            Thread.Sleep (5000);            return a + b;        }        static void AddComplete(IAsyncResult ia)        {            Console.WriteLine ("AddComplete() invoked on thread:{0}",                Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode ());            //Get Result value            System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.AsyncResult ar=                (System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.AsyncResult)ia;            Operate op = (Operate)ar.AsyncDelegate;            Console.WriteLine ("The value is {0}.", op.EndInvoke (ia));        }        static void Main()        {            Console.WriteLine ("Main() invoked on thread:{0}",                Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode ());            //Add() call in Synchronouse mode            Operate op = new Operate (Add);            IAsyncResult result = op.BeginInvoke (10, 20, new AsyncCallback (AddComplete), null);            Console.WriteLine ("Main() execute no need to wait any more.");            Console.ReadKey ();        }    }}

  5. 主线程向次线程传递对象,通知!
    using System;using System.Threading;/// <summary>/*

    Main() invoked on thread:1
    Main() execute no need to wait any more.
    Add() invoked on thread:3
    AddComplete() invoked on thread:3
    The value is 30.
    The Main() thread is :1

    *//// </summary>namespace Demo{    public delegate int Operate(int x, int y);    public class DelegateAsync    {        static int Add(int a, int b)        {            Console.WriteLine ("Add() invoked on thread:{0}",                 Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode ());            Thread.Sleep (5000);            return a + b;        }        static void AddComplete(IAsyncResult ia)        {            Console.WriteLine ("AddComplete() invoked on thread:{0}",                Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode ());            //Get Result value            System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.AsyncResult ar=                (System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.AsyncResult)ia;            Operate op = (Operate)ar.AsyncDelegate;            Console.WriteLine ("The value is {0}.", op.EndInvoke (ia));            Thread thread = (Thread)ia.AsyncState;            Console.WriteLine ("The Main() thread is :{0}", thread.GetHashCode());        }        static void Main()        {            Console.WriteLine ("Main() invoked on thread:{0}",                Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode ());            //Add() call in Synchronouse mode            Operate op = new Operate (Add);            IAsyncResult result = op.BeginInvoke (10, 20,                 new AsyncCallback (AddComplete),Thread.CurrentThread);            Console.WriteLine ("Main() execute no need to wait any more.");            Console.ReadKey ();        }    }}

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