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热度:7032   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
一个96位的二进制数,分三部分分别存储在 eax, ebx, ecx。怎么转化为96位二进制对应的十进制输出?


C/C++ code
#include "stdio.h"#include "stdlib.h"typedef unsigned long DWORD;//pn[0], the lowest 32bits//pn[1], the middle 32bits//pn[2], the highest 32bitsvoid uint96_to_string(DWORD *pn, char *szString){    _asm    {        push esi        push edi        push ecx        mov esi,pn        mov edi,szString        mov ecx,10        jmp check_ndiv_h_32bit:        mov eax,dword ptr [esi+8]        div ecx        mov dword ptr [esi+8], eaxdiv_m_32bit:        mov eax,dword ptr [esi+4]        div ecx        mov dword ptr [esi+4], eaxdiv_l_32bit:        mov eax,dword ptr [esi]        div ecx        mov dword ptr [esi], eax        add dl,'0'        mov byte ptr [edi],dl        inc edicheck_n:        xor edx,edx        cmp [esi+8],0        jnz div_h_32bit        cmp [esi+4],0        jnz div_m_32bit                cmp [esi],0        jnz div_l_32bit        //now, the whole 96bit number is full 0        cmp edi,szString        jne invert_n                        //if uint96 is 0, then edi == szString, in this case, we need put '0' to szString and return        mov byte ptr [edi],'0'    //put 0 to buffer         mov byte ptr [edi+1],0    //c language string terminating symbol        jmp thisExit            invert_n:        mov byte ptr [edi],0    //c language string terminating symbol        dec edi                    //the edi point to the tail of string        mov esi,szString        //the esi point to the     head of string        jmp invert_cmpinvert_loop:        mov al,[esi]        mov dl,[edi]        mov [edi],al        mov [esi],dl        inc esi        dec ediinvert_cmp:        cmp esi,edi        jb  invert_loopthisExit:        pop ecx        pop edi        pop esi    }}void test_uint96_to_string(){    DWORD n[3];    char result[32];    int case_id=1;//case 1:    n[0]=0;    n[1]=0;    n[2]=0;    uint96_to_string(n,result);    printf("run case %d,result is %s\n",case_id,result);    case_id++;//case 2:    n[0]=9;    n[1]=0;    n[2]=0;    uint96_to_string(n,result);    printf("run case %d,result is %s\n",case_id,result);    case_id++;//case 3:    n[0]=10;    n[1]=0;    n[2]=0;    uint96_to_string(n,result);    printf("run case %d,result is %s\n",case_id,result);    case_id++;//case 4:    n[0]=0xffffffff;    n[1]=0;    n[2]=0;    uint96_to_string(n,result);    printf("run case %d,result is %s\n",case_id,result);    case_id++;//case 4:    n[0]=0;    n[1]=1;    n[2]=0;    uint96_to_string(n,result);    printf("run case %d,result is %s\n",case_id,result);    case_id++;//case 6:    n[0]=1;    n[1]=1;    n[2]=0;    uint96_to_string(n,result);    printf("run case %d,result is %s\n",case_id,result);    case_id++;//case 7:    n[0]=0;    n[1]=0;    n[2]=1;    uint96_to_string(n,result);    printf("run case %d,result is %s\n",case_id,result);    case_id++;//case 8:    n[0]=1;    n[1]=0;    n[2]=1;    uint96_to_string(n,result);    printf("run case %d,result is %s\n",case_id,result);    case_id++;//case 9:    n[0]=0xffffffff;    n[1]=0xffffffff;;    n[2]=0xffffffff;;    uint96_to_string(n,result);    printf("run case %d,result is %s\n",case_id,result);    case_id++;}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){    test_uint96_to_string();}