当前位置: 代码迷 >> 汇编语言 >> 小弟我写的这个程序在未来汇编编译一点有关问题都没有,但在MASM6.15就说有有关问题~


热度:9894   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
Assembly code
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;Description:To output a value to screen in the hexadecimal form;Author: ;creat date:2007-11-18;modify date:;Algorithms: 1 首先判断数据是否小于0,若小于0,首先在屏幕上输出一个字符'0'。;            2 AX,BX同时保存这个数据,BX与1111B相与,结果是BX中只保留下最低4位,即我们要的数字;              若数字大于9,则BL-10+'a',但到其16进制的字符,否则BL+'0'也得到其16进制最低位的字符;            3 AX循环右移4位,再Mov bx,ax,重复2的步骤至所有的4个4 bits的数据都取到;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    data1 segment      ; Please input here the code of data segment      val  dw  -78      msg  db  4 dup(?),'H',13,10,'$'data1 endsstack1 segment    ;Please input here the code of data segmentstack1 endscode1 segment     assume cs:code1,ds:data1,ss:stack1start:    mov   ax,data1    mov   ds,ax    ;Please input here the code of code segment    mov   ax,[val]    cmp   ax,0    jl    prezero                         ; If the val is less than 0, output a zero first    contin:    mov   ax,[val]                        ; If ax<0, the prezero will overwrite ax, so we reset it to make sure it is proper    mov   cx,3                              pro:    mov   si,offset msg    add   si,cx           mov   bx,ax    and   bx,1111b                         ; logical and make the higher 4 bits zero, only leave the lower 4 bits    cmp   bl,10    jge   hexad                            ; if the lower 4 bits is great or equal to 10, jump to set letter    adcx:                                      ; if the lower 4 bits is not great or equal to 10, go down to set number's ASCII    add   bl,'0'    mov   byte ptr [si],bl    jmp   shad                             ; jump to decrement cx, and shift right of ax            hexad:                                     ; The following fragment process the hexadecimal letter    sub   bl,10    add   bl,'a'    mov   byte ptr [si],bl    shad:    dec   cx    cmp   cx,0    jl    quit    ROR   ax,4                             ;Shift ax 4 bits right    jmp   proprezero:    mov   dl,'0'    mov   ah,2     int   21h    jmp   contin       quit:    mov   ah,9    mov   dx,offset msg    int   21h    mov   ah,4ch    int   21hcode1 ends    end start


Assembly code
 0031                shad:       ;**.lst里面的信息 0031  49                dec   cx 0032  83 F9 00                cmp   cx,0 0035  7C 0A                jl    quit                    ROR   ax,4                             ;Shift ax 4 bits rightval2hex.asm(60) : error A2070: invalid instruction operands 0037  EB DA                jmp   pro

  我也不知用Masm6.15行不行,因为学校只学16位的汇编,我现在也在看Assembly language for Intel-based computers fourth edition,里面只要是32位汇编的,跟着里面的说明做后,再设回我以前Masm6.11的环境变量也不行了。真不知怎样的,麻烦各位帮我解释下。

Assembly code
    ROR   ax,4        ;Shift ax 4 bits right